Shimano chain query.

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The stamping on my chain reads: 'HG' 'CN 5701' 'VIA'. It also has stamped on it 'IL'. Can anyone tell me what the 'IL' stands for? Just curious.



Swinging Member
West London
I bet it denotes inner link, also see this. If I were you I would get kmc or sram when it is time to replace.
+1 for KMC, (haven't used SRAM). Reason, simply better quality. Shimano chains have been getting bad press for wearing quickly, and of them all Ultegra seems to be the worst culprit.
KMC X10, fit and forget*

*except clean and lube, don't forget that *whistle*


Well-Known Member
Ive just fitted a KMC at xmas Ive done circa 650 miles its starting to show a little stretch I guess it depends on how you ride the bike as well - I ride the bike hard and no doubt that reduces the life of the chain. I like KMC and particular the quick link but I couldnt say form my experience they are any worse or better than shimano as they have both given me the more or less the same results. I'll just go with whats the cheapest at the time of purchase


My last Shimano chain on my hybrid lasted just over 600 miles. That was in use from August to December 2011.

Compare this to the last 2 chains on my racing bike (SRAM) that have lasted between 1400 to 1800 miles.

There are of course a lot of variables, not least the fact I generally ride my hybrid on the commute when the weather is bad and the time i replace (wear point) is clearly ad-hoc to a large extent.

I have a SRAM chain on the hybrid now so will be interesting to see how long that lasts


Swinging Member
West London
Thanks for the info. Why do you suggest a KMC or SRAM chain when it's time for replacement?

Aye. Apart from evidently designed by a committee of Neanderthals engineers who have never had to connect or disconnect a chain, and who clearly never had the inclination to see the simplicity and robustness of tool-free quick links others have, or what varieties kmc, manufacturer of 100 million chains a year, have on offer from super light to super strong all the way to 11 speed, Shimano chains are just grand! :whistle:
Never had a KMC (yet) but can thoroughly endorse SRAM chains and their powerlink as working and lasting well. The idea of using a pin to join a chain just seems so inneficient when you are aware of the alternatives.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
You don't have to use the pin to join a Shimano chain, just as you don't have to use (the even more annoying) Campag system to join their chains. Just use the appropriate KMC link. However, I can't enthuse over KMC chains as I had to replace one of their most expensive X10SL after only 120 miles or so, when I discovered one of the side plates coming loose from a pin.
You don't have to use the pin to join a Shimano chain, just as you don't have to use (the even more annoying) Campag system to join their chains. Just use the appropriate KMC link. However, I can't enthuse over KMC chains as I had to replace one of their most expensive X10SL after only 120 miles or so, when I discovered one of the side plates coming loose from a pin.
Surely that would have been covered under warranty?


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
+1, unless of course if the chain had been mangled between frame/cog by it coming off through poor indexing etc. Inevitably, a price of going 9, 10, 11, 12 speed... :eek: derailleurs is increasingly flimsy chains.

That was certainly NOT the case. I don't know whether the chain was under warranty or not - I had purchased it well over a year before, when on offer at a good price (from a reputable seller), and put it 'into stock' with a view to using it when my existing chain needed replacement. It was not misused or abused in any way. In view of the time I'd had it before using it I didn't bother to take it up with the shop. I use a cheap KMC 8 speed chain on the winter bike with no complaints.


You ask a question on here, and always get an abundance of information. Love it :thumbsup:

Unless I've forgotten, I don't think I've ever heard of KMC chains. I know about the 'quick link' on SRAM chains and was thinking about purchasing one of these a while ago. Can anyone point me in the right direction of what KMC/SRAM chain to get for a 10 speed Shimano 105 compact. I can't seem to find much information on them as opposed to Shimano products.
Thanks for the info. Why do you suggest a KMC or SRAM chain when it's time for replacement?
Depends on the speed of your chain, 10 or 11 speed, I definitely reccomend KMC because their links are reusable, SRAM are not; if its 9sp or less I'd just go for what ever is cheapest (SRAM or KMC) both seem to be good quality chains and both have reusable quicklinks :becool:
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