Shaved Legs

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New Member
You've never ridden the track in the middle of February have you? St Tropez is absolutely essential.
Eh some people like shiny white legs.


West Somerset
I hate shaving my legs. But I do, as I can't bear the FREAK! looks you get as a woman in shorts with hairy legs. Don't know why it bothers people, and it really annoys me that it bothers me that it bothers them, but hey ho!

Anyway, I've laid that to rest now by telling myself that it'll be better for road rash and all. And I'm getting an epilator as I'm terrible at shaving

(And I've got the beginnings of a great tan, thanks to the recent weather. Jealous friends? I told them to get on their bikes


Legendary Member
A couple of people have got near the truth in the five pages of this thread. If you read Matt Seaton's excellent book about cycling obsession The Escape Artist, you will read his explanation that leg shaving is done for practical reasons; it's easier to massage, easier to clean after a dirty race and of course there's the hygiene thing with road rash and dressings. Seaton reckons that shaving the legs is a sort of rite of passage for the cyclist who is becoming serious - he says you wouldn't dare turn up for a race or a training session with hairy legs, it just wouldn't look right. Clean shaven legs are all part of the roadie cult of cleanliness, fitness, precision and perfection.

As a secondary benefit Seaton reckons an experienced cyclist can tell a lot about the likely weaknesses of the rider he's chasing by looking at the muscles and general physique and shaved legs make this easier.


Well-Known Member
Hey people, its probabbly come up more then once! but here goes......

So man up who shaves? and by what means? razor? wax? veet?

fake tan? i don't about any of you but my legs are like milk bottles..... lol



Not just the legs apparently.

A quote below from

"Originally Posted by tommyrhodesI shaved butt cheeks yesterday. Then I rode 60 mile and my rear felt pretty raw. I rode about 65 today and now my butt is REALLY raw. I'm assuming I was not supposed to shave those cheks and now I'm paying the price for my mistakes. So basically 2 question.
1. Are you in fact supposed to shave the buttocks?
2. Any suggestions for dealing with my excruciatingly painful behind. "



New Member
No, shaving is bad. Makes the hair grow back quick and thick. :smile: Epilating or waxing is the way to go. Pull them out by the roots...


Legendary Member
Shaving doesn't make the hair grow back thicker; this popular misconception is caused by the fact that the ends of hairs wear out and get thinner and bleached by sunlight, meaning that when a cut hair re-emerges it looks thicker.
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