- Location
- The lumpy far South West
There's a guy on the ward who's bought in his own TV. On constantly. No headphones.
When will they let you go?There's a guy on the ward who's bought in his own TV. On constantly. No headphones.
Just had rounds.
Because this joint is a one-off ie not replaceable, this infection might now conceivably mean antibiotic phrophylaxis for life. Plus, and I really hope not, the off-chance of going back into the joint and replacing the possibly contaminated plastic components.
So, the answer is, like @Afnug , who knows?
All of the above, jointly(!) and severally...So, does that mean you could be on anti-biotics constantly, or with a view that your joint could get infected at anytime ?
Not fun.
And that was it after it had been fixed!
You did ask
That was before the clean-up. No idea what it looks like now, but messy is pretty much given...And that was it after it had been fixed!
Blame @fossyant ! I've actually yet to feel unwell, which is a major plus. It was messy enough to have threatened my arm if it had gone systemic. As well as making me very ill indeed. So, silver linings...That photo is very distressing! I wish I had never seen it.
Hope you're feeling better now?
Exactly, it's become a tick-box thing.It just seemed so stupid for them to wait for you to get ill first when one look at it would have told them that it wasn't right!
There was a clearly dangerous junction on a blind bend on a descent into Hebden Bridge but there was a strong reluctance to install traffic lights because nobody had been killed or seriously injured in an accident there - same stupid thinking!
Let's wait for the arm to start falling off ... ooh, that looks nasty, better do something about it! (Oh dear, a family have just been wiped out when emerging at that dodgy junction ... okay, we'd better put traffic lights there. In fact, they finally yielded to public pressure and did it before the inevitable happened.)
I think the NHS should be renamed the NIS - National Illness Service!Medicine is supposed to be pro-active and preventative, non?