It was a great day when humanity ran out of sticks and advanced to using stones. Flint can hold a wicked edge but I've never tried it for a bushcraft shave.I use a stick, the edge of which i have fashioned into a blade
On the few occasions when I have used a BIC I have succeeded only in cutting myself to ribbons and leaving lots of awkward bits unshaved. I agree they are horrible things.
My technique must be wrong because I take off big patches of skin and make the whole area bleed.
I never understood how razor advertisers sell the massive lie that the act of shaving is somehow an ecstatic celebration of masculinity. It's not. It's utter misery and a complete waste of five minutes, day in, day out.
Yes...I'm no expert but that does seem to suggest a technique in need of some fine-tuning.My technique must be wrong because I take off big patches of skin and make the whole area bleed.
But don't shave other parts 'downstairs!
It's been posted before, but time for another airing: possibly the funniest thing I have read on the internet.
And that's why I've grown a beard.