Sensible Clubs and Societies

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Salad Dodger

Legendary Member
Kent Coast

2 local ukulele clubs. (One is fairly formal, with weekly subs payable if you attend, and a sort of unelected "inner circle" who decide on song choices and so on.
The other club is the total opposite. No subs, no committee, just turn up at the pub, have a beer, and play. You can bring along any song: it will go in their songbook, regardless of how good or bad it is....)

Mrs S and I are also volunteers for Ageless Thanet, a charity promoting activities for older people to boost physical and mental wellbeing. We lead a "social walking" group once a week, which has become a kind of club for the walkers, whether they are regular or occasional.
Cycling UK for C&NW group and local affiliate group.
Caravan and Motorhome Club (for their sites)
Caravan and Camping Club (for their cheap overseas long term house insurance)


South Wales
Boundless (used to be CSMA - Civil Service Motoring Association).
Caravan & Motorhome club.
The Sealed Knot.
Men of Sweyns'ey Morris Dancers

Not sure which thread the last two belong in TBH :smile:
Institute of Chartered Accountants (ANZ) Free membership when I turned 75.
Knox Bicycle Touring Club
St Vincent de Paul Society
Ferny Creek Horticultural Society - Mary is the main member, I am just forced labour at the monthly working bees.
A number of cycling forums which I do not regard as either clubs or societies
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An interesting read. One thing which jumps out at me is the wide range of activities covered by the clubs people belong to.

Yet in 34 posts a cycle club is only mentioned three times. This on a cycling forum. I find this slightly bemusing.


Eh up
Yet in 34 posts a cycle club is only mentioned three times. This on a cycling forum. I find this slightly bemusing.
I did not mention clubs I have been a member of, so, former clubs.
FRC Featherstone Road Club
KV Knottingley Velo
BC British Cycling
EPOC East Penine Orienteering Club
AIRE Airerienteers Orienteering Club
FRA Fell Runners Association
ARR Ackworth Road Runners
LDWA Long Distance Walkers Association


Always been a member of a cycling club..
Prescot RC
Gemini BC
CC Bexley (briefly)
West Kent RC
Gravesend CC

Also been a member of a Table Tennis club for more than 50 yrs.

And my OH has been in the club four times.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I'm not a very clubbable person.

I sometimes feel like checking if the club for antisocial grumpy barstools referred to in some of the Sherlock Holmes stories actually exists...
Back in the early 80's when I lived on the Isle of Bute, a new guy came to the island.
He was known as "Jimmy the Joiner".
The masonic, speakers club, golf club, bowling club, tennis club, rugby club, football club; you name it, he joined it!


Over the years I`ve belonged to several angling clubs but they have all gone by the wayside since I retired and until covid lived half the year outside the UK. Various forums I think can count as clubs, the main 2 being this one of course and Cigarboxnation. I make cigar box guitars as a hobby 🎸


Obviously an Aubergine
BMC mainly for the rescue insurance, in case of falling off of high and pointy things.

Stuff not covered by normal travel insurance.

Thankfully not had to use it.

The mag, like most others, is heavy on the ads but has nice pictures and articles in it too.

La Via Campesina - Global peasant farmers Union.

Up the land workers etc etc!!!

And various other worthy organic farmers associations - useful for advice and support.

Never been in a cycling club, though ..

Apart from the disassociated
'Solo Cyclists Club..

You know the one where the understanding is that you might stop for a chat, but then proceed on your own personal and private mission >>>:bicycle:


Well-Known Member
Back in the day, Finsbury Park cycling club. Also London Mountaineering Club.
Not really clubbing these days.
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