Just when you thought you'd heard the last of me and my redundant kettle leads ...
More Senior problems ...
- To my surprise, I don't actually seem to have any more spare kettle leads.
- #1 Wouldn't have been a problem because I don't have any old kettles in need of leads ...
- Unfortunately, what I had described as a 'redundant kettle lead' was in fact a 'required printer power cable'!
Now I am going to have to transfer a file that I wanted to print from my desktop computer to my laptop and print it from there because I need to borrow the power lead from the desktop PC to power the printer! 
Bonus Senior Problem:
'A cyclist' (

) walks into a deli and orders a large cappuccino, a piece of parkin, and a piece of flapjack. The total cost is £4.25. He hands over a £10 note. The deli woman takes the note to the till and returns with 75p in change. The cyclist looks at the coins, ponders a moment, and decides to speak up ...
I gave you a £5 note!
Deli woman:
And I gave you 75p change!
Flustered cyclist:
I, er, oh, er, I meant to say that I gave you a £10 note ... 
Deeply suspicious, glaring deli woman:
You gave me a £10 note ... Are you SURE about that!
Embarrassed cyclist:
Definitely. I came out with two £10 notes and three 20p coins. I haven't spent money anywhere else today and I now have a £10 note, a 50p piece, a 5p piece and FOUR 20p pieces. That means you shortchanged me by £5.
Silence. Eventually followed by a slow shaking of the head, a deep sigh, and a resigned trudge to the till. The way that the extra £5 was slapped into the palm of the cyclist's hand told him that deli woman suspected a con ...