Senior Moment of the day.

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What’s the point
I regularly put my glasses down to do something close up, get distracted, wander off, then can't find my glasses because I'm too short sighted :cry:

you should try looking for your sunglasses in the car, and getting more and more agitated as you cant find them , then start ranting at your missus about everything going missing. while wearing them !

she still reminds me 18 years on .


you should try looking for your sunglasses in the car, and getting more and more agitated as you cant find them , then start ranting at your missus about everything going missing. while wearing them !

she still reminds me 18 years on .
Oh, I did that with complete strangers last year, at a festival. Went back to where I'd been sitting and was searching around, and a couple of nice women who were there asked what I was looking for and I said 'my sunglasses', and they said 'You're wearing them.'


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Trekking holiday up Mt Kenya - got to our top camp after a sunny day's walking. Had lunch, by which time the clouds had come down a bit. Went for an afternoon stroll in the mist.

Spinney: it's very dark for mid-afternoon
Rest of them: You're still wearing your sunglasses.

In my defence they were prescription sunglasses, so I would still have been wearing glasses if i'd remembered to change them...


An hour and a half looking for my car keys, after which the house looked like a bomb had hit it, with drawer and laundry basket contents strewn everywhere and everything else moved out of position to check behind etc. etc.

Mrs R: "Is that them there?" - pointing to the front of the PC below my desk, where they were dangling from their accompanying usb drive that I had plugged in there the night before.


Legendary Member
Not me, but the best one I've seen was my boss in my 1st job, who, whilst I was sat in the office with him, proceeded to enter the phone number he was about to ring.....into the calculator and then put it to his ear :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Working on an electronics project at college, I called the lecturer over for a bit of advice.He set his pen down on the bench as he was talking to me, then said he'd draw me a circuit diagram and reached out for his pen - except he picked up a hot soldering iron, tip between his fingers pen-style.

He dropped it rather quickly...


Legendary Member
my ex-Mrs went to the cinema with a pal, causing a slight commotion squeezing in as the trailers had started then found that some other people were in their (numbered) seats: another commotion as the miscreants moved. So they are chatting a bit whilst the trailers are running, possibly slightly annoyingly having had a glass or two. Trailer was of some Warren Beatty film, "Can't stand that Warren Beatty so I'm certainly not going to see that ", and so on. "This is a long trailer I must say...ah!" By this time the pair of them are being glowered at by the rest of the audience as they create another commotion as the leave their stolen seats and make their way into the cinema they're actually suposed to be in, trying to appologies and trying even harder to supress giggles.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Let's not talk about when I left the handbrake off on a gently sloping service station forecourt....

I was once filing up the works car which was a tad wider than my mini ... as I drove off (misjudged the width) I 'hit' something ... saw what I thought was an 'explosion' (thought petrol pump!!) & was just driving off rapidly before realising it wasn't .... it was a fire extinguisher ... the nice young attendant was very nice & explained lots of people had done since the re-design of the forecourt ....


Telling it like it is since 1971
Perth, Australia
The other week Mrs Pie called me while I was at work. Chat, chat, do this, do that, usual stuff, etc then she gets into a sudden and serious panic. She ranting, raving and on the verge of tears. Someone has nicked my phone!!!! Not in my bag, not in my pocket....OH NO! Er, you are speaking to me......while on your phone....silly old moo!


Dropped wife outside Mac D so should could run in and book a kids party, 5 minutes later she comes out gets in the car, belts up and starts saying they do not do them any more. The kids and I could not hear a word as she was sitting in a Hillman Hunter whilst we were still in the Nissan she had got out of, also I do not wear a turban, the driver of the Hillman did.

I could and should write a large book about things like this that my dearest has managed to do over the years.

Did I tell you about the time I sent her downstairs to turn the electric off whilst I changed a light socket, she forgot what she went down for and brought me up a drink, this was followed by me having a shocking experience.
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