Selective eating disorder

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Fan Boy No More.
Gaz, thank you for your honesty and courage. You say that you cannot blame your SED for your former obesity - that may be true, but it must have made the weight loss even more of a battle!

As a compulsive eater I tend to have the opposite problem, I've never been too fussy about what I consume :blush:. After a lifetime of trying to beat this on my own I'm now going to Overeaters' Anonymous to try a different approach.

I wish you health and happiness.


Actually , you are right, all the foods I eat are pretty high in calories and carbs, none of them are healthy or normal meal foods , truth be told, if I could have eaten healthy stuff and worked out, then I would have lost the weight a lot quicker than I did.

I wish you the very best with your own battles


Fan Boy No More.
My sister used to be very fussy with her vegetables when she was young, she would only eat peas & carrots (because they are sweet), but now she loves all kinds of vegetables. Luckily most people seem to grow out of selective dislikes as they grow up, it must be so hard if you don't.

A friend of mine doesn't like dried or processed fruit, including jam, and fruit can be "too red"... I once made a birthday cake for her, with jam in the middle, before I knew :blush: - we managed to salvage a bit for her, as the top & bottom layers were tall enough to cut the jam-affected bit in the middle out :thumbsup: . For some reason, banana cake or apple strudel are OK - as long as there are no raisins/sultanas in it. I don't think she will ever "outgrow" this, but we work our way round it :smile: .

Looking forward to hearing how you tackle this, Gaz! Somehow I think you will manage it ...


I think the issue is , if you dont grow out of it, then it grows and grows and grows, you eat less "Types" of food and for every year it beats you, it gets stronger and you get weaker, I feel this , like when I hit obesity is my last chance to beat it, if I fail this time, Im not sure i'll have the confidence to come back and try again, im pretty much rock bottom with it right now.


Cycling is fun ...
I've got to say it again, Gaz, I really admire you for your honesty and "get-up-and-go-for it" attitude. Given your progress with your 39st problem, which must have seemed like a huge mountain to climb - and you kept at it, step by step, you are giving yourself the best chance to succeed. If it takes a while, don't get disheartened, think of how long you have struggled with this and eaten the same things, you can't expect to turn it around too quickly.

As for the weight loss challenge bringing you the huge (unexpected?) joy of cycling, who knows what you will discover during your new adventure? It can only get better, really! You have taken the biggest step already, which is admitting this to yourself and talking about it. My fingers are firmly crossed!



Puzzle game procrastinator!
Good luck Gaz. I've just posted a long comment on your blog.

If you like, I'll organise a local forum ride without a cafe stop so you can come along without having to either watch us eat, or hang about outside a cafe feeling uncomfortable. Let me know if you fancy that and we could sort something out.

By the way ... I know that the Goal-orientated approach has served you well thus far with your weight loss, but I can't help think that a Progress-orientated approach would be more helpful with regards to what you eat. I mean, every day that you find something else that you can eat is a little victory in the war, right?

If you think that you won't be happy until you can eat 'X', 'Y' & 'Z' then you are making life harder for yourself. How about - "Today, I actually enjoyed eating 'X' - that was a good day." It doesn't matter if it takes you a month to start eating 'Y'. Just carry on eating what you do now, and 'X' as well. That's progress. 'Y' will happen at some point when you are ready.

Steve H

Large Member
Think you've already taken the biggest step on this part of your journey Gaz.

I understand your reluctance to have shared this kind of stuff over the years, but hey, it's out there now, and you know what? No harm done! I don't think anyone on here is going to feel any less of you. Quite the reverse I think. We are all just that more awestruck at your determination and I have to confess, quite inspired to tackle some (much lesser) challenges of our own.

So what's your plan? Or are you still thinking it through? Obviously - no need to answer this yet if you're not ready!


Cycling Excusiast
Gaz, I hope you manage to tackle this and have success with it. You are an inspiration in many, many ways and your courage is outstanding.

A friend of my partner has this too and he can find eating out a complete nightmare.
He is going to a therapist to tackle the issue, I do know that at one time he was dating a woman who's father was a michelin starred chef so he started eating all this stuff when he was with her, however they broke up and he reverted back to his very restrictive diet. I suppose it'd about finding your own reasons to push yourself and understand it. Good luck!


New Member
Sorry to hear of your problem Gaz, without knowing anything about the issue I won't offer any advice, apart from going to see a professional, as from what it seems, it must be a fixable problem.

Hope it works out for you mate.


New Member

Fabulous post. In my (albeit limited) experience, coming out is always good - however scary the idea of it is. You've given yourself freedom to explore change and garnered a whole load of support. Bloody brilliant.

Like some others had said, I'd been puzzled by the absence of food talk in your previous forum and blog posts, which all makes a lot more sense now.

And with your SED news I feel really excited for you. The amount of joy, satisfaction and fun you've experienced through cycling all lies ahead for you with food. In your own way and in your own time there's so much out there for you to get your teeth into (forgive the awful pun). The sky is the limit for how good you can feel as your body soaks up the benefits of different energy sources, nutrients, vitamins. You've already been feeling amazing through the exercise alone. Now you're potentially gonna be off the scale. And I couldn't be happier for you.



Fan Boy No More.

Fabulous post. In my (albeit limited) experience, coming out is always good - however scary the idea of it is. You've given yourself freedom to explore change and garnered a whole load of support. Bloody brilliant.

Like some others had said, I'd been puzzled by the absence of food talk in your previous forum and blog posts, which all makes a lot more sense now.

And with your SED news I feel really excited for you. The amount of joy, satisfaction and fun you've experienced through cycling all lies ahead for you with food. In your own way and in your own time there's so much out there for you to get your teeth into (forgive the awful pun). The sky is the limit for how good you can feel as your body soaks up the benefits of different energy sources, nutrients, vitamins. You've already been feeling amazing through the exercise alone. Now you're potentially gonna be off the scale. And I couldn't be happier for you.


Thank You

Walking round the supermarket today, I got pretty excited myself, first time ever, its normally FEAR ...........


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I never thought we would end up encouraging you to eat more Gaz. Good luck with it ,you now have the added incentive that eating more nutritious food will improve your cycling abilities even more.Also reduce your risk of all kinds of medical problems later in life.

Took some guts to tell the world about it .

My problem is the reverse of yours,theres almost nothing i wont eat and in large quantity if I dont keep a grip of myself.I have it pretty much under control now and cant see me sliding back into a couch potato again.

Best wishes on the new challenge Gaz
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