Back in an hour or so - off to do my side by side in the rain
People like spending, which is fine, but the OP won't be going any faster for 500g. The bike/tyres make that difference. Get another bike as using a CX for everything will be a compromise.
Tyres make a big difference, even on a MTB. I've got some cheap Nobby Nics that roll better than the expensive Minions. The Minions are a real drag on tarmac or climbs, but they are incredibly good for grip, like night and day. The Nobby's are sketchy on descents and off camber, the Minions are planted.
Except he wants to spend no more than £400 which really isn't a huge amount when it comes to 'performance' cycling nowadays
I recon he could get a 10 year old road bike with 105 for that - look for a lightly used one.
What's the feature? From what I could tell the only feature you're chasing is the perception you might go very slightly faster.Obviously point 3 applies, not sure how the post qualifies as advice
I don't care how far you rode, a second is within statistical margin of error. It's not worth thinking about. Obviously the below is entirely subjective, but:
Reasonable excuses for getting a new bike:
Not so reasonable excuses for getting a new bike:
- I like the colour.
- I want a more comfortable ride.
- The new bike offers features my existing bikes do not.
- I want to go faster, I'm racing, and I'm already following a well structured training plan.
Just enjoy riding your bike!
- I want to go faster, I'm not following a training plan or racing but have cash to burn.
This is a forum isn't it? I thought airing one's views was the whole point. If it looks like someone's itching to spend £400 and based on their own criteria for a worthwhile purchase I think they'll come out of it disappointed, I'm going to say so. If you don't like that then that's on you.Nobody needs an excuse for buying something they want. Who are you to judge what is "reasonable" or "not reasonable" for someone else.
No intention of spending a grand, don't have that sort of dosh. I have been asking around but I can't find anyone I know who has wheels with road tyre that will fit the Mares. I really don't want to be changing the tyres on my rims, took ages to get them to seal properly.
It probably is worth you getting another set of wheels, and putting road tyres on those.
You can do that for less than the £400 budget you are talking of, it will make more difference on the road than losing half a kilo, and it will only take a couple of minutes to switch between the two according to what type of ride you are planning.
Something like these
You'll want a couple of rotors and tyres, but total cost should be no more than around £350.
This is a forum isn't it? I thought airing one's views was the whole point. If it looks like someone's itching to spend £400 and based on their own criteria for a worthwhile purchase I think they'll come out of it disappointed, I'm going to say so. If you don't like that then that's on you.
With all due respect, a mote of introspection might stand you in good stead, or unconsciousness. Please don't discourage these young lads (like @Boopop ) from contributing, old chap: they are the future.Sure, it's a forum. If you don't mind coming across as pompous and jugemental, knock yourself out.