Seat Post Slipping

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Well-Known Member
I've had trouble in the past with correct size seatposts slipping - it was due to 2 things:

1. being fat

2. crap seatpost clamp

Didn't lose weight but did change the clamp - problem solved!

Buy a good quality chunky clamp with a large steel bolt

I'm fat too but already bought a decent quality clamp so hopefully a new post will sort it coz I ain't loosing weight in a hurry lol


Well-Known Member
Well, a trip to the LBS showed up 2 things.

1) I am a fool lol (didn't realise the size is stamped on the seat post)

2) The correct size post is already fitted

I have now ordered a digital vernier so I can accurately measure the post to see if it's poorly manufactured and a little undersize (it is a Carrera afterall) and to check to see that the seat tube is the correct size and not poorly manufactured and slightly oversize (it is a Carrera afterall ha ha ha). I am now really stumped at what the problem can be and am getting slightly fed up with having to raise my seat when prompted by the pain in my knees that I am sitting too low again!


A Velocipedian
I take it the LBS offered no opinions then?
Well, a trip to the LBS showed up 2 things.

1) I am a fool lol (didn't realise the size is stamped on the seat post)

2) The correct size post is already fitted

I have now ordered a digital vernier so I can accurately measure the post to see if it's poorly manufactured and a little undersize (it is a Carrera afterall) and to check to see that the seat tube is the correct size and not poorly manufactured and slightly oversize (it is a Carrera afterall ha ha ha). I am now really stumped at what the problem can be and am getting slightly fed up with having to raise my seat when prompted by the pain in my knees that I am sitting too low again!


Banned member
South West
a new seatpost would have cost less that a digital vernier! as changing the frame isn't really a good option, a new seatpost and clamp are your only options.

what size post are you using?


Well-Known Member
The only advice was to rough it up with some emery cloth and use a bit of copper slip to try to take up the gap. Gonna give it a measure when my vernier comes then be a pain in the arse at the LBS measuring post's to compare measurements lol. Oh the other thing is the slot down the back of the seat tube has a good gap so could it be that my decent quality clamp isn't clamping quite tight enough???


Banned member
South West
The only advice was to rough it up with some emery cloth and use a bit of copper slip to try to take up the gap. Gonna give it a measure when my vernier comes then be a pain in the arse at the LBS measuring post's to compare measurements lol. Oh the other thing is the slot down the back of the seat tube has a good gap so could it be that my decent quality clamp isn't clamping quite tight enough???

I doubt if the new clamp is causing the problem and there should be a visible slot in the frame even with the clamp done tight.

So what size does your post have stamped on it?


Well-Known Member
The post is 27.2mm. I have just taken some pics to show you guy's and see what you think. Just in from a wet ride home from work so please excuse the dirt!





Banned member
South West
The post is 27.2mm. I have just taken some pics to show you guy's and see what you think. Just in from a wet ride home from work so please excuse the dirt!




I can now end your misery - YOU ARE USING A Q/R CLAMP!!!

They apply no way near as much force as a decent clamp with a steel bolt.

You should have mentioned this in your first post!

Q/R clamps are ok for weight weenies but not the larger build rider.


New Member
I wouldn't say they were all for weight weenies, what I would say is that not all QR clamps are made equal.

If you look at yours you will see the cam moves against a black PTFE/Delrin plastic washer, these can wear or deform over time if the clamp is over tightened or left done up for too long.

A new good quality QR clamp and all will be well.
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