26.8mm is (was) a popular size - far from obscure. Though it's not so common now due to the popularity of non-ferrous frame materials. Keep searching, you'll find a nice one.
Coz actually you'd only shim it down to an even more obscure size.
It's all about standards. There are only three sizes of front mech. They are described in metric: 28.6mm, 31.8mm and 34.9. The first two - the oldest - reveal their origin when converted into Good Olde Imperial: One and an eighth - and one and a quarter
28.6 millimetres = 1.125 inches
31.8 millimetres = 1.25 inches
34.9 millimetres = 1.37 inches
Your frame is steel, and the quality of the steel used determines the wall thickness - the better/stronger the tubing the thinner the wall section. Which has a knock-on effect on the diameter of the seatpost - the thinner the wall thickness the larger the seatpost.
531 (steel alloyed with Manganese and Molybdenum) tubing has an internal diameter of 27.2mm. High grade Chromoly (Chromium and Molybdenum) an internal diameter of 26.8mm. And so on.