Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Ditto for the longer event. After a damp, dreary start the sun appeared and then we had a glorious day. The Ribble valley looked lovely in the sunshine, as did the (endless succession of steep) hills.vernon said:I did the ride and very enjoyable it was too. It turned out to be the most scenic, in every sense of the word, of all the calendered events that I've completed this year.
I'll second that!vernon said:As always the post ride catering was beyond reproach
I managed to get up it on my bike but my legs were just about shot after that. Fortunately, it is an easy run back to Hebden Bridge from Widdop.vernon said:The climb after Coldwell was hard and I had to resort to some pushing. my prediction was borne out. I was Lanterne Rouge for the 50km route.
I was among the candidates for the 100 km Lanterne Rouge, but unfortunately my title was snatched from me at the last moment

You're probably right. If you were riding in the same direction as we did yesterday, it wouldn't really be a problem to try, even if you had to turn back. OTOH - if you came from Hebden Bridge, you'd have a huge detour to do if you had to go back the way you'd come.vernon said:I'm just wondering about the road closure. It will be impassible by motor vehicles but I bet there be a wide enough passage for bikes.
I acted the Good Samaritan yesterday at the top of the Nick o'Pendle. I'd winched my way up there and decided to stop at the summit to stretch my back and enjoy the view. After a couple of minutes, a chap (later found to be named Jim) came over the brow of the hill pushing his bike and holding what looked like a dead black snake coiled round a stick. In a slightly forlorn voice, he asked "Can you do anything with this?" Why did he think I needed a dead snake? As he got closer, I saw that it was in fact a dead oily chain. This was a job for Bicycle Repair Man! Since BRM wasn't available, I decided to volunteer my services instead...
I'd practiced using my chain splitter recently when shortening a new chain for my Basso. I put my newfound skills to good use and had soon taken out the broken link.
It wasn't long before Jim's bike was ready to ride again and we set off on the descent together. Even though the sun was shining, it was really nippy on that side of the hill, dropping down into a cold wind.
We stayed together for the rest of the ride and it was nice to have some company for a change. I usually tend to ride alone on audaxes because I'm slower than most, but slightly quicker than the slowest.
Jim insisted on paying for my cake, Coke and water at the control cafe in Waddington. Later on we encountered a couple of his mates and joined up with them for the ride round to Coldwell.
I took about 90 minutes longer than last year (partly because of doing the chain repair, and partly because of waiting for Jim's mates on the later climbs). I actually enjoyed the ride more so I think that I might make a point of going slower when the weather is nice. No point in hanging about when it is cold and wet, but I wasn't in a hurry to get off my bike on what might be one of the last sunny rides of 2009.
I'm looking forward to Spring into the Dales 2009 now