Does Di2 make it posh?
I broke my left wrist twice as a teenager. It usually doesn’t impact my day to day life, but I’ve found myself on very long rides - 600k territory where I literally can’t change into the big ring, and have to use both hands. I’m not sure if it is connected to the broken wrist but it might well be. I’ve this idea that if electric changing can help me overcome a natural decline I might be best to go for it.
I’m always the same though, houses, cars, cameras etc. I’d like a study, I’d like a sat nav, I’d like a better lens. Then ‘How much?’
I’ve been reading some retirement research, showing that people spend less than they had planned to, don’t take the holidays they had intended to and often actually save more money in retirement, despite earning less. Or in short: moving from accumulation to decumulation is difficult. That has persuaded me to lash out on a bike.
I’d have a mental block at going over £5k.