What happened to the rule about being respectful then?
I thought he was.
What happened to the rule about being respectful then?
The lentil eating kaftan wearing communist cuddling seal-not-clubbing left wing revolutionaries are welcome to the politics forum.
seriously...right wing tosh are what your opinions are on lincolnshire, hope this is more helpful.
But as I said, the forum will become what it will become if posters can continue to post right-wing tosh without challenge.
He was being personal and insulting to named individuals, something that only he and one or two other favourites seem to be able to get away with around here.
I'm not one of those who blatantly calls other users 'nobber' etc.What happened to the rule about being respectful then?
you are well aware of what it means.
M'lud - I refer you toAnything that's contrary to any opinion voiced by User, Timymynewt, or their more moderate associate, Josef Stalin.
But you forgot a group - the"sensitive-soul"[my edit - @Drago ain't no sensitive soul; may not even have one ] right-wing nutjob misogynists. So deeply hurt about "always being shouted down". Snowflakes.
You expect people to believe that you don't know who Stalin was, and that being accused of associating with him is not a compliment? Come off it.
What happened to the rule about being respectful then?
It'll end up becoming like the real world.
In the real world I can still challenge the twaddle.
@User13710 ...the mod hat is never off, I'd be carefull how you reply.