Schnitzel Alert

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Legendary Member
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Northern Germany
That doesn't curry favour with me.

The Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg is actually famous for it's Currywurst, it's a bit of a local delicacy in this corner of Germany!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Pork pies, I love pork pies. My go-to long-distance cycling food....and long distance driving food...and a long day in the office go-to food....
When I was a student I used to live on pork pies. One day I found a bit of grey plastic extruding nozzle inside my lunch. I never felt the same about them after that.

BTW, I couldn't live without bacon or crackling.


Legendary Member


Obviously an Aubergine
We could start a CC 'pig club' I've got space for a batch here, they do well on all the unsaleable veg.

Another who's become vegetarian. It took three years to wean myself away from being a carnivore to becoming a veggie and have been a proper one for nearly a year. And there's no going back.

The only thing I miss is bacon, esp. bacon sandwiches with HP sauce, but I have a good memory and can live off that.


Obviously an Aubergine
Another who's become vegetarian. It took three years to wean myself away from being a carnivore to becoming a veggie and have been a proper one for nearly a year. And there's no going back.

The only thing I miss is bacon, esp. bacon sandwiches with HP sauce, but I have a good memory and can live off that.

I was a veggie for over fifteen years.
Some of that time I was working on an outdoor pig farm.. I know that seems quixotic.

But I knew other people were still going to eat them, so better to see them raised well, and slaughtered locally.

Now I'm a conscious omnivore - provenance, and method of raising is key.

I still rarely eat pig though, preferring pasture raised herbivores, and sustainably fished fish.

Intensive pig rearing, or any kind of factory farming of animals is an abomination.
Against the animals, and trashes the environment too.

And leads to massive disease risks, such as is currently being experienced.

We need to go back to raising far fewer pigs on properly managed food waste.

Growing soya to grow pigs (they need protein to grow like we do) is really wasteful in terms of energy, and land use.

And reinstate good home killing, or mobile, or local slaughterhouses.

We're lucky enough to have two small abattoirs nearby.


Will Chorizo be affected? I love Chorizo :hungry:.
Might need to stock up from Aldi if it is.
The interesting thing is Aldi and Lidl sell smoked chorizo, made in Germany. I remember someone complaining that it wasn't very authentic, and I had to point out that traditional Galician and Portuguese chourizos are indeed smoked. For me the German made smoked chourizos are more authentic than the twice as expensive Catalonian made chorizos sold by Tesco.

Chris S

Legendary Member
I'm a bit squeamish about eating any meat, especially pork. Apparently it tastes like human flesh. There are only a few generations between me and some of my ancestors who used to eat long pig.
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