Switching from road to mainly off road was a bit scary after breaking my spine with a driver/bike incident. The sudden loss of traction on a regular basis took some getting used to, as did the 'gnarly' descents, but it comes. Stuff I used to have to get off the bike and carry it down, I just ride now. It's down to experience and watching what other's do. I'm no demon descender as I play it careful - don't fancy the injuries, but I'm over twice as quick down local off road descents than I was two years ago. That's from riding lots and with others and picking up tips. It's been a new ball game to learn from road.
Due to the injuries I got in an accident 5 years ago, I've not ridden on the road since (other than a little bit between trails/tracks on a big trail bike), but only recently got the best road bike out again. I'm not riding it locally as that's where I've been mashed up, but have taken it down to our caravan in North Wales. I'm picking slower roads/back roads.
The thing is, it was my wife who said why don't you take it down there. I usually drag the trail bike down there and do some local tracks on it. I do have a few very quiet road routes, so will be using it there - I'm not ready to deal with lots of cars, and given I'm riding a bike that is un-replaceable (custom built from finest Columbus SLX) I'd literally kill someone if they bent it.
My broken spine and more the impact on family had stopped me from getting back on the road. The road bike is a bit scary as the bars are half the width of the MTB, and the thing just shifts at warp factor. I've just got to get used to the steering

and the lack of suspension 'bob' !