scalping back

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Legendary Member
NE England
On a recumbent trike it happens a lot. DF passes me on a climb, the road levels and then goes down and I'm overhauling the DF like he's stood still. So I pass and say hello, if the rider had done the same when he passed me! Otherwise I simply pass and wait for the next uphill, when we do it again. :biggrin: If it keeps on happening then I say, see you later whenever I pass the DF.


It isn't the pseudo-racers that take the whole business of scalping or silly commuter racing seriously, it is just a bit of fun. However it seems that any time there is a lighthearted thread started about the subject then there will quickly be a series of posts doing little more than demeaning those who have managed to maintain a tiny little bit of childish playfulness in their hearts....lighten up!


Well-Known Member

Always be the first to smile and say hello.

Chap draughting me on the bike path to BlackPill a few weeks ago was just taking a break so he wasn't breathless before coming alongside and starting a conversation with me. It was 5 minutes later I realised Freddie(for 'twas his name) was doing 22mph on his singlespeed. Without breaking a sweat or even breathing heavily.
I was just wondering what "scalped ya" meant, told to me by the leader of a group of cyclists on hybrids who passed me whilst I was stationery at a red traffic light that they just rode on through.
Well, he didn't say anything when I caught them up and passed them, it was as if he was deliberately ignoring me as I coasted alongside him waving.

david k

North West
Picture the scene....

The Military Road on the southern edge of the IoW, yours truly halfway round a 'round the island', on his mudguarded triple equipped fast tourer, spinning in the middle ring in jolly day ride mode.

A roadie approaches from behind and draws alongside, we exchange pleasantries, he sounds local, we chat for a few seconds, and off he goes. As the gap between us opens he looks over his shoulder repeatedly with no change of position of turn forthcoming. Across the undulating countryside we ride and soon he is a tiny figure in the distance. for reaosns beyond me I slip into the big ring on the next downslope and stay in it. Slowly, slowy the figure in front grows larger, he looks again and sees I've cut the distance by half, stands on his pedals on the climb. I reach the next upslope some seconds behind and dig in, down on the drops, teeth gritted.

Now I'm close enough to see what gears he is pulling on the climbs, lower than mine, so I tough it out closing all the time and finding the going somewhat easier than he seems to be but now I have a crisis of etiquette so I decide to tail him rather than going past. I don't draught, staying about 10m back, although at times I have to back off to avoid sucking his wheel. A few km later he turns off and I call a goodbye, which seemed to make him jump, and go through Chale for the monster climb up Blythe Shute and beyond past Blackgang

Should I have just gone past him or is that seen as throwing down a gauntlet....?

sorry, cannot help, never overtook anyone


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Oh so scalping is like spanking another cyclist silly then?

Victoria pendelton can spank scalp me anytime she wants if that is the case...:biggrin:

betty swollocks

large member
I have absolutely no qualms about scalping scalpers if they can't maintain their pace.
Did it on Saturday to a roadie after I set off from taking this pic. That's my bike:-



Legendary Member
seems like he upped his pace to overtake you then couldnt sustain it - which IMO should rank much worse than simply being scalped :biggrin:

Yep. Now the evenings are getting lighter, I get lots of those on my homeward commute. Me spinning with my two panniers and mudguards, them on light roadie with a small saddle back.

Blast past, can't sustain for more than a mile and then get overtaken again.

Ohh...the site on their faces when a fattish bloke with panniers overtakes them.
Think most of it is down to technique - I'm scalping a lot more people now I'm spinning rather than grinding. Pass them going up the hills and then pull away on the brow as I'm not exhausted from pushing too high a gear! If I'm going faster then I'm passing, end of. I don't care if it's a commuter/roadie or MB'er and I don't believe they would if the roles were reversed either!


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
High gear, lots of leg muscle used, but not much pedal going round.

Spinning is low gear, lots of air in lungs and blood going round body, and lots of pedal going round.


New Member
have to admit i got myself in a very embarrassing situation the other evening out for a training ride on my road bike, lycra'd up (all the gear no idea
)-chugging along when a long haired pimply youth of about 18 in track suit top and jeans blasted past me like i was stood still!. must admit made me jump and also made me think 'i've been cruising here' so upped my pace. Without really trying I caught him fairly quickly and had the same dilema 'overtake and look like I want to race or hang back'.I decided the latter but he clearly thought I was long gone so dropped his pace and I breezed past this time thinking 'there's no way that soap dodgers getting past me again ' .

There then ensued a lung-busting 5 mile cat and mouse sprint through the streets of manchester. Utterly embarrassing, completely childish-I just sort of got caught up in a mad moment. we must have swopped places ten times each giving some sort of cheery comment such as 'evening' or 'how do' through gritted teeth as he passed the other.Worse thing was he had me at the lights just before my house-gutted!

I arrived home beetroot faced, having heart palpitations and delirious having been completely owned by a rolly smoking student on his way to band practice-the shame!. Moral-dont get involved!
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