scalping back

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Here for rides.
Picture the scene....

The Military Road on the southern edge of the IoW, yours truly halfway round a 'round the island', on his mudguarded triple equipped fast tourer, spinning in the middle ring in jolly day ride mode.

A roadie approaches from behind and draws alongside, we exchange pleasantries, he sounds local, we chat for a few seconds, and off he goes. As the gap between us opens he looks over his shoulder repeatedly with no change of position of turn forthcoming. Across the undulating countryside we ride and soon he is a tiny figure in the distance. for reaosns beyond me I slip into the big ring on the next downslope and stay in it. Slowly, slowy the figure in front grows larger, he looks again and sees I've cut the distance by half, stands on his pedals on the climb. I reach the next upslope some seconds behind and dig in, down on the drops, teeth gritted.

Now I'm close enough to see what gears he is pulling on the climbs, lower than mine, so I tough it out closing all the time and finding the going somewhat easier than he seems to be but now I have a crisis of etiquette so I decide to tail him rather than going past. I don't draught, staying about 10m back, although at times I have to back off to avoid sucking his wheel. A few km later he turns off and I call a goodbye, which seemed to make him jump, and go through Chale for the monster climb up Blythe Shute and beyond past Blackgang

Should I have just gone past him or is that seen as throwing down a gauntlet....?


seems like he upped his pace to overtake you then couldnt sustain it - which IMO should rank much worse than simply being scalped :biggrin:


Active Member
I'm a bit bemused about this talk of "scalping" another cyclist. IMO one could only legitimately use this term if there was a situation where both parties had agreed to race each other. If I was out for a pleasant tour there is no way I would potentially knacker myself and get all lathered up simply to be able to say I'd passed they guy in front.
I followed a guy this morning n the way to my B-I-Ls for around 3 miles. I'm on my shiney new carbon Planet X, he's on a drop bar Raleigh and making a decent pace (cira 20 mph). I caught him up but then sat behind him, far enough that it wasn't drafting.
I could have passed him. I chose not to as he wasn't going much slower than I would have been anyway and if I pass someone and then can't pull away from them at a decent pace I that I know I can maintain I feel kind of silly.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
I'd some guy overtake me and slow down which was a little provocative so rather than sit on their wheel I overtook. He eventually re-overtook and stayed ahead and opened a lead of about 400m. At the ring road he took to the cycle track to cross whereas I used the roundabout as usual (it's not easy to cross the road at normal times). He re-joined just in front of me and since he had not reached my speed I passed him and later on he re-passed shortly before signalling left and giving a cheerful wave as he departed. An enjoyable, not over-competitive 5 mile race! (He was on a Colnago.)


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit bemused about this talk of "scalping" another cyclist. IMO one could only legitimately use this term if there was a situation where both parties had agreed to race each other. If I was out for a pleasant tour there is no way I would potentially knacker myself and get all lathered up simply to be able to say I'd passed they guy in front.



Live to Ride
Testosterone is a wicked beast. Some just are so competitive and turn a pleasant cycle into a nob measuring contest. I am never bothered about being 'scalped' because I know what I can do when I need to do it. Some though, are a little too showy for me and that's when I tend to tag on to see their 'worth'.

It's all in the spirit of male dominance though lol


Squat Member
Bearing in mind the types of riding we do this is not an easy comparison. Now that I have a Garmin GPS computer some rides I may go for a high cadence spin, or use the HR monitor and maintain a zone 2 or 3 ride. If some guy 'scalps' me whilst I'm doing a specific type of ride (recovery etc) then if he gets satisfaction then so be it. In reality people probably don't realise what the other person is achieving.

I will admit however when I spot a figure in the distance to focus on and it's a proper 'roadie' then it is hard to not get competitive and play these games. If people get irate over being drafted or overtaken then that is a bit pathetic considering we are grown-ups.



West Somerset
I'm a bit bemused about this talk of "scalping" another cyclist. IMO one could only legitimately use this term if there was a situation where both parties had agreed to race each other. If I was out for a pleasant tour there is no way I would potentially knacker myself and get all lathered up simply to be able to say I'd passed they guy in front.


If someone want to go faster than the pace the cyclist in front is setting, go for it. But it's the bragging after that I don't get.


Well-Known Member

If someone want to go faster than the pace the cyclist in front is setting, go for it. But it's the bragging after that I don't get.

It's the same small-man mentality as drivers who have to stay in the motorway 'fast*' lane and overtake everything.

*yes, I am aware it is a passing lane and not a fast lane, I'm using moton terminology.



It's a pishing contest.

Pub talk.

Not dissimilar to "I beat car x [insert a perceived faster car] in my y [perceived slower car] from the lights, therefore the driver of x is sh1t"

Although to be fair, sometimes it's a good way of pushing oneself (like interval training) and making things a bit more interesting.

And sometimes it feels good to put one or 2 in their place (2 particular encounters spring to mind). Childish really.

At the end of the you've got norfolk en idea what the other cyclist has been up to.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
Competition - what's the problem so long as you don't let it get to you!

If you go out on a quiet stroll, then do it.

In my case I want to get fitter and finding another cyclist who's up for it, why not have a bit of a contest? It doesn't have to be a life or death struggle and if I'm left in their wake it's not the end of the world.
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