I say 'minestrone', not 'minnie-stronie'barq said:I was on a walking holiday in the Pyrenees with my sister. We were planning a walk high in the mountains when she asked the tour guide if he thought the sun would be shining above the clouds.
For my part I have some of the cognitive weaknesses typical of dyslexia (esp. pronunciation) so I'm also prone to reading things very literally. For years I had been calling kitekat 'kite cat' (like the thing you fly on a windy day) rather than 'kitty cat'. Eventually I heard someone else say it properly and the penny dropped. I always thought it was an odd name for cat food.

Pete said:Don't confuse genuine ignorance or stupidity, with mere verbal trip-ups. The speaker may well have meant to say "When is Friday 13th this year?"* A valid question, if the questioner is superstitious. And he/she merely substituted "month" for "year" in an accidental slip. I've done that often enough, myself, when speaking. Call me stupid if you must!
*Techie stuff: the 13th of at least one month in any one year, sometimes as many as three, must fall on a Friday. Moreover, counted over a long enough time period, the 13th of the month falls more often on a Friday than on any other day.
I doubt that tbh.