saturday in the derry and toms roof garden

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Aye, blue skies visible through the window while I laze with the first cup of 100% pure Colombian. Unlike what's been descending on the pro races this week.
Today will be more lugging to the tip of large bags of lawn moss and thatch, got myself a season ticket. That little quite cheap scarifier device is actually rather effective.
Bonus feeling: recovery must be progressing if I'm able to do these physical efforts.


Well-Known Member
Way out West
Yay! < ^ > Good job SG. Some sort of normality restored, despite the ship not quite below the surface as yet, most of us out safely. Feels like a tented camp set up by the UN but a good tented camp nonetheless and the hosts seem to be of the same political persuasion. Do we need representation or are we simply going to be naturally absorbed into the population like all those Mongols after Kubilay?
I just hope that there isn't a change in govt. here in CC Nation, or else we might be deported.

@PhotoNic69 where is you, wriggle bum?


Good to hear that 'Loon. Nice weather innit?
Jolly in the sticks today me. Finished the car at 7,20pm. Replacement drop link arrived at the local branch at 5.25pm (3rd time lucky). MiL turned up at 6 'cos she needed compooter help and in the midst of this, made Pita bread to go with dinner.
[Washed down with copious quantities of Old Speckled Hen. It's jolly good]

Forecast is good for the morra. That's what Liz said on Thursday, so we'll see. Long pedal planned.

Right, see you in a bit chaps. I'm off to learn more stuff about Chris Rea.

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Morning all. Run completed and just about to leave for a stately pile with OH and muska mutt. Brats on the razz tonight so hoping no dad to the rescue required. Well done Sungod on picking up the mantel again.


Nice and sunny here but there was ice on the not velux windows first thing. Still got a bit of painful neck but I may attempt some exercise at some point.

Stevo 666

Evening folks,

Quite a busy Saturday in the end: outing with the hounds, trip to the shops, bike fettling for tomorrow's ride and getting dragged to the garden centre by Mrs. 666. Chilling with a glass of plonk and watching the F1 qualifying at the mo.
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