If you wipe the chain after lubing - as I said in my earlier post - that'll leave a light film of oil on the chain.
If any sand sticks to that, then it'll be easy to wipe it off. Lube wipe lube wipe wipe ride wipe.
I really didn't think it was as esoteric as all that...
This really doesn't make sense. Firstly, it ignores the fact that oil inside will migrate to the outside. It is impossible to keep a chain wet inside and dry outside. Further, a light or heavy coating of oil will trap equal amounts of dirt. The amount of dirt that can be trapped is limited only by the surface area of the chain and that is constant, wiped or not.
Yes, if you keep on wiping, eventually the chain will be oil-free but that's also an unlubricated chain. Hence my comment that if you want a clean chain, wash it and ride.
It is no secret that lubrication prolongs a chain's life. On a motorcycle there are two chains. One inside the engine that drives the cam and one outside that drives the rear wheel. The one on the outside lasts 3000km if you are lucky. The one inside lasts as long as the engine, because it runs in filtered oil. Unfortunately we can't run our chains in a bath of filtered oil but the next best thing is good lube and regular washing - a complete and deep wash that removes all grit.