Sales person's knowledge, or not.

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Legendary Member
This is very noticeable with independent retailers across the board in my experience. The small 'one shop only' types have to know all about what they're selling, that's why customers use them, as they want to know about what they're buying. :okay:

I've always stuck to small independent shops for my purchases and had become quite friendly with quite a few to the point where they'd tell me that the worse customers would come in and 'pick their brains' for ages then go away saying "I'll have a think" then promptly search the best deals on-line, happened in HiFi, Camera and Bike shops that's why there are so few left. Leicester has become quite a 'wasteland', used to be a dozen or so HiFi shops......none left (well Richer Sounds) ditto Camera shops, 3 major players Jessops, Youngs and Cecil Jacobs with half a dozen outlets between em in the city (and other branches around the country) all gone now although Jessops seem to have an 'on-line' presence now and don't get me started on Bike shops, shedloads of them gone. :sad:


My local independent greengrocer is taking a few days out do his GLW can have an operation.
He put a notice on the door explaining with a date for their reopening if all goes well.
What I found touching was that several of their customers have already written notes of wishing luck and other good wishes on the notice. ^_^
Now that is genuine customer loyalty for you. :okay:
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