Legendary Member
To the OP - if you are getting pain / serious discomfort after 3 miles something is very wrong with the set up. Special shorts, arse-cream and lord knows what is not the answer.
1. Need to sort out the height, fore-aft position , and pariticularly agle of saddle - flat or a touch nose down.
2. Your saddle might simply be crap or just not suit you. Most, but not all, the folks on here consider padded saddles and to a lesser extent gell saddles to be rubbish.
4. Special shorts and what not are pretty irrelevant for short journeys. Whilst I do wear mine for an 8 mile commute, it's convenience not necessity. If saddle and positioning is OK, then 30 miles should be no issue at all in ordinary trousers. I didn't have special shorts for my first 30 odd years cycling. I have never used arse cream, but I dare say it's needed if you're doing 100 milers
5. Whilst I am a great believer in Brooks saddles, and mine needed no breaking in at all, they don't suit everyone. Basicially they are great if you have a Brooksian arse as I evidently have, but are seemingly torture if you don't. Regarding their care I did neglect one by leaving the bike outside for a year and it went mouldy and failed completely only 10 years later.
So in conclusion, have a go with the position, and maybe change saddle if it's a crappo padded one, but shorts etc are not the answer. MTFU isn't the answer either since if it's that bad after 3 miles summat is wrong
1. Need to sort out the height, fore-aft position , and pariticularly agle of saddle - flat or a touch nose down.
2. Your saddle might simply be crap or just not suit you. Most, but not all, the folks on here consider padded saddles and to a lesser extent gell saddles to be rubbish.
4. Special shorts and what not are pretty irrelevant for short journeys. Whilst I do wear mine for an 8 mile commute, it's convenience not necessity. If saddle and positioning is OK, then 30 miles should be no issue at all in ordinary trousers. I didn't have special shorts for my first 30 odd years cycling. I have never used arse cream, but I dare say it's needed if you're doing 100 milers
5. Whilst I am a great believer in Brooks saddles, and mine needed no breaking in at all, they don't suit everyone. Basicially they are great if you have a Brooksian arse as I evidently have, but are seemingly torture if you don't. Regarding their care I did neglect one by leaving the bike outside for a year and it went mouldy and failed completely only 10 years later.
So in conclusion, have a go with the position, and maybe change saddle if it's a crappo padded one, but shorts etc are not the answer. MTFU isn't the answer either since if it's that bad after 3 miles summat is wrong
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