Saddle aft/fore - stick with plumb line or what feels right ?

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Might be better with a longer stem, then, unless you want to ride bar-ends all the time. KOP was developed for racing bike fit, I believe, and intended for maximum efficiency, maybe with comfort a second consideration. Adjust in small increments, and do what feels best for you.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
This makes interesting reading , although as said before "go with what works for you "


A good, but somewhat difficult to read (for me anyway), article. I like it when issues are discussed rather than simply endorsed or dismissed. Context is important in the discussion of anything.

KOPS is used, even though it has no real biomechanical basis because it does seem to work quite well and is an ideal starting point when setting a bike up from nothing.

We see the same 'rule of thumb' type of argument being used in many places - 5 a day etc. Not strictly accurate but good places to start.

Hard to disagree with the final paragraph....

To properly assess these structures in the dynamic environment of pedaling it is advisable too have a profesional bike fit expert work you through the process and make changes based on trained objective experience. A proper bike fit is the only way to not guess at the proper location for your knee.
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