Keep your nose clean Jack and don't listen to the internet bravado of what people would do if it was them . They are probably typing sat in their batman pyjamas making sure the wife isn't looking .
The police may seem slow and probably are but what do you expect them to do with a tip off from face book about a house that has nothing to do with anything ? Raid the house because someone on face book said something ?
Let them do their job and focus on your career . If there is one thing the police hate more than bad guys its the public thinking they can do a better job and they will arrest you if you go around beating people up . Given how new this is they will probably look to you first if people do start getting a kicking .
You could be looking at five years in prison if you are charged with ABH or GBH .
Trust me on this one

catching a baddie and giving him a good hiding could potentially fark your life up .
What you do is up to you of course but time seems to let you bump into people many years later