S works venge stolen durham

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jack smith

jack smith

I know them very well they used to think they owned the area until everyone started beating the sh*t out of them they even bought street signs and changed the road they lived on to wrights way. I often ride past where they all used to live in purpose built houses all interlocking with eachother. I am very good when it comes to firearms myself but unfortunatley as of a few months ago no longer own any protective equipment.
The local police seem to be doing nothing now, the initial response was amazing i didnt even see that many police when a bomb was found local or the recent armed bank robbery in stanley but now they will do nothing i am hearing similar reports from people who have proof this lad is nicking stuff every night but they will do nothing, he was released on bail after being arrested for nicking my bike on wednesday and said no comment throughout the interview.
I have been keeping a close eye on his house most of the day since it happened as well as many other people and the family knows what is going on there is literally a family member sat at every corner of the street allday so the pressure is on them, i think it is well within the families best intrest to cough up the bike as i am still receiving messages and calls from people wanting to hand out their own form or justice. I for one do not condone violence as all i want is the bike back and i certainly do not want to risk my career over any violence, however if i do happen to be out and see the lad riding my bike i will not hesitate to first snap a photo and then to stop him and get possesion of my property if there is not time to wait for a police response. But i am hoping to see it somewhere parked up and i will call the police to come asap as well as family members and friends (who can arrive much quicker by car than the police will) to surround the bike until police arrive, then they can have it for fingerprints cause i know for a fact everyone involved is known to the police. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I know them very well they used to think they owned the area until everyone started beating the sh*t out of them they even bought street signs and changed the road they lived on to wrights way.

Almost beggars belief that a criminal family should be allowed to rename streets after themselves, but Wrights Way and Wrights Court did exist.

Those in the police and local authority who allowed it to happen should be ashamed of themselves.

The signs were removed when someone finally got a grip:


Big Nick

Senior Member
I think you've got most bases covered

Hopefully the initial police activity will have put 'word on the street'

You've already put posters up with a reward which I think you said was £100 so over the street value of the bike to a smackhead which might see results

Also keep an eye out at local cash convertor type shops and maybe provide them with a photo should the bike come into them. Goes without saying EBay and all the other online sites for selling gear need checking frequently as well.

Might be worth asking the police if cycle theft is really prevalent in the area at present and if so what's being done about it. My local force had an issue and used bikes with trackers fitted to target the thieves and hit the mother lode with one and recovered a ton of stolen bikes at just one house.

Good luck and I really hope it turns up
jack smith

jack smith

I had the idea of buying a gps tracker leaving and leaving a bike in the same spot for a while and getting the police to track it to the house but they are around 100 quid and there is no gaurentee my bike would be at the house everyone i stopped in that area said they have had their's nicked. Fair enough they were all cheapo mtb's but it just goes to show they get nicked regularly the thief that nicked mine will have had no idea what it was and i bet they are all regretting it now
jack smith

jack smith

I have i have just searched the word bike then nearest first/ newly listed. Ive also searched individual parts, i dont think they would just dump it as they will want cash for drugs or whatever so im thinking it must turn up eventually in some shape or form, i just hope it fosent end up with an unsuspecting 'proper' cyclist who ends up out of pocket


Über Member
Sorry for your woes mate. Thanks for the Stanley heads up, I ride through there at least 3 times per week. I'll not be stopping.
Hope you get this sorted out.
jack smith

jack smith

The main area the thief opperates is new kyo (where lives and where mine was nicked) and annfield plain For those of,you who know the area, if insurance pays ill be getting either a supersix evo or something more rugged like a fuji road bike with slightly bigger tyre clearence


Leg End Member
Have you a small lock you can carry, just in case you do come across it?


Middle Earth
I've just read all of this thread and am utterly astounded that the Police can't do something, as you and others,' ID'd this little sh*tbag!
I am so angry for you - for me it doesn't matter if the bike was worth 1k or £100, it's the principle that people taking what isn't theirs, is wrong.
I do hope you get it back very soon!
jack smith

jack smith

I am carrying a lock around incase I see it since I am riding another bike around to cover ground, I know the new bike was 60 quid in Argos clearence but I'd rather not just waste it in return of the new one if possible.
I will lock it if I see it parked up it even if it is in someone's garden I'll then call a mate to come down and get the cheap bike while we wait for the police


Leg End Member
I had the idea of buying a gps tracker leaving and leaving a bike in the same spot for a while and getting the police to track it to the house but they are around 100 quid and there is no gaurentee my bike would be at the house everyone i stopped in that area said they have had their's nicked. Fair enough they were all cheapo mtb's but it just goes to show they get nicked regularly the thief that nicked mine will have had no idea what it was and i bet they are all regretting it now
If you're serious about tracking a bike. There is one that costs far less than that and works over the mobile phone network.
Club together with a few others that have had theirs pinched and individual cost will come down.
Local Cash Convertor was able to keep one person attempting to sell a bike talking/busy whilst the police arrived.
jack smith

jack smith

Im going to have words with the police about tracking a bike and see where it travels, the insurance company canceled their appointment with me today and said it will be tommorrow so im still worrying i wont get anything through insurance although they only offeres 1k with 250 excess anyway.
I was planning on building a bike with the exact same frame but thought it might be best not to cause someone will hop on me when im out thinking it is nicked plus if the other one turns up ill have two identical bikes and wont want to sell either ( the insurance said if it turns up its mine to do whatever with) so im thinking of

Supersix evo
Ribble r872 ultegra
Planet x carbon

Than atleast i will have two different if the other does turn up oneday


Banned member
South West
Im going to have words with the police about tracking a bike and see where it travels, the insurance company canceled their appointment with me today and said it will be tommorrow so im still worrying i wont get anything through insurance although they only offeres 1k with 250 excess anyway.
I was planning on building a bike with the exact same frame but thought it might be best not to cause someone will hop on me when im out thinking it is nicked plus if the other one turns up ill have two identical bikes and wont want to sell either ( the insurance said if it turns up its mine to do whatever with) so im thinking of

Supersix evo
Ribble r872 ultegra
Planet x carbon

Than atleast i will have two different if the other does turn up oneday
if the insurance pays out, then if the old bike turns up it will actually belong to the insurance company then
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