Ryanair to buy Aer Lingus?

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
The last I heard Ryan Air were going bust, what's caused the change did some bank lend him more money:wacko:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Good for Ryanair. It's a shame that Aer Lingus failed to adapt to modern times, but hardly surprising.


back and brave
'Nooooo' from me too. Can you imagine O'Leary's business plan if he gets a (near) monopoly on a route?


I think the cost-cutting philosphy of Ryanair is to be commended. They cut back on what they deem to be "frills and extras"...such as maintenance, overhauls, repairs...


New Member
Maz said:
I think the cost-cutting philosphy of Ryanair is to be commended. They cut back on what they deem to be "frills and extras"...such as maintenance, overhauls, repairs...

There are various options open to you. Don't travel, start your own airline and show how it could be done as an example to the rest of us or travel by another method. Ryanair and other budget airlines have been a great help in making air travel more accesible. Thank goodness we are not still in the bad old days of state owned, heavily protected airlines with their government protected monopolies on routes and fares. Aer Lingus will disappear because it is still somewhat of a relic from those days.

As for safety, Ryanair is as safe as any airline.


simoncc said:
There are various options open to you.
There are various options open to you too:
a) Get the joke
:thumbsdown: Don't get the joke


back and brave
There's a forum I used to be on where the Ryanair debate was akin to the helmet debate here! The divisions appeared to be roughly along the lines of those that had used them and it'd been okay, those that'd used them and fallen foul of Ryanair's legendary 'customer service' and those that had never and would never use them.

The debate always seemed to bring out the rabid monetarist in the first group though.


cutting back of fuel loads...
If I understand you correctly, this is common amongst most airlines. They only ever carry enough fuel + safety margin to reach their destination. Any unused fuel is dead weight - and uses more fuel to fly it around.
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