monnet said:
Then I noticed comething odd. I was getting alot more space from traffic. I put this down to the reflective panels on the panniers, which leads drivers to (for once) percieve me to be wider than I am. The other great thing is the extra weight you have to deal with. My commute has a couple of litle hills in it and if I extend it in the evenings it has even more hills- all of which makes weekend riding on my non commuter a very fast and rewarding experience. Panniers, they're my new favourite bike item!
Yep I noticed the difference on my very first ride with panniers, and on the couple of rides ive made without them since, They really do seem to have some sort of car repelling magic, They seem to gain me a good 1-2' more space than I got without them. Now I use them even if Ive got nothing to carry.
Not so long ago I had a trip where I strapped some computer keyboards in boxes widthways across my triple panniers, you should have seen how much space I was getting it was glorious
Car drivers seem to judge your width by the part closest to them hence a pannier on the back makes you look wider to them despite the fact hat the widest point is normally your shoulders or elbows... Thos keyboards made no odds at all to the space I need but the drivers actually gave me a really wide birth, whole lines of traffic actually moved out towards the centrelines for me