I'm going by memory here, but as the Manor Park shop was my local LBS and many club mates rode them that definitely looks like it comes from that era. I can't actually remember the head tube badge, but it would be difficult to fit the full name on it.Thanks for your reply Smokin Joe. So you think those decals were around in the 60s? It does have just R o B for the head badge.
Hi, first post here. It seems like my google search of Rory O'Brien, like many others, has led me here. I have gone through the whole thread with great interest - such a fascinating read. It has got me interested in acquiring an O'Brien frame if possible. Could any of you knowledgeable types cast an eye over this please - fourth frame down from the top http://www.hilarystone.com/frameset13.html
The decals look more modern that sixties in my limited opinion - that doesn't mean to say it has had a re-spray at some point.... Any thoughts gratefully received.
Many thanks,
Add me to the list of those who joined the forum after searching google for Rory bikes. Thanks for providing all this fantastic information. I bought one (or what remains of one) by chance a few weeks ago because of the 531 sticker on downtube (yep, I'm a simple man). It's a 59cm frame from the early to mid 1970s from what I can tell from this thread and a few other sources. As the photo shows, it's been somewhat crudely converted into a single speed/fixie, so the only original parts appear to be the frame and forks and possibly the drop bars. I took the photo moments after buying it and have cleaned it up a bit since then, thouogh I've realised the frame is slightly too big for me.
I was of two minds to either uprade it to a more roadworthy fixie or restore it to its original glory, either of which would probably include a powdercoat. Instead I'm thinking of selling it.
It would be nice to see a pic of the frame . . .
HI all.
I came across your forum whilst attempting some research on my late Dads Rory bike.
he bought it in the early 60's as far as I understand and i remember it sitting in the shed, then a garage hanging on the wall upto this year hehe.
I have decided i am going to renovate it as unfortunately over the years in my dads garage it has suffered with a little rust as you can see on the photo's.
I'm thinking of a respray then rebuild as is.
I believe it is all original from when he rode many years ago.
Only problem i am having is finding the exact decals to replace.
anyone have any ideas where i can get any ?
Thanks in advance
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Hi Pubby
Thanks for your reply.
I must admit I am a bit hesitant to repaint it, it just seemed the thing to do but I will have a serious think before I do anything rash.
Maybe just a full strip down and rebuild
Apart from maybe finding out a value for insurance purposes the actual monetary value isn't an issue as its sentimental value is priceless and I wouldn't sell it. I hope the photo's below are clear enough.
Many thanks for your suggestions and links.
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No more decals.
the frame itself has some stamped numbers etc.
What possibly is "1966" or highly unlikely "1906"
The word " NERVEX" and underneath that very faintly is a string of numbers and letters.
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