Rollers question

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Roads covered with snow here and it's around freezing temp. Could do off road but even then it's pretty miserable. Much better sweating within an inch of your life on the tt or rollers. Maybe.......


Well-Known Member
You won't be building massive power but rollers are invaluable for good form and spinning. I bet since you have been doing it your normal cadence has risen? I have been doing cadence sessions of 120-130rpm and when i do my normal 80-90rpm it seems slow in comparison. The turbo also allows you to do very low cadence/strength sessions but you can also do that on rollers that have resistance. I personally like to just be able to switch off with the turbo. I dare not watch a dvd on my laptop whilst on rollers. THE FEAR!

Yeah mate the past couple of weeks now i'm starting to notice that i can hold a good steady fast pace for longer and my cool down rest period between hard efforts is now also a faster pace than it used to be.
My normal hour might be something like this..
10 mins warm up
10 mins of (30sec burst in highest gear about 35mph then 30 cool at slow pace)
10 mins 21-22 mph
10 mins of (30sec burst in highest gear about 35mph then 30 cool at slow pace)
20 mins steady 24-25 mph
(All done in highest couple of gears)

Anyone any views on this? does it sound useful or is there anything i could do different or better??


Well-Known Member
Well i'm not trying to enter the tour! ^_^ but would be quite happy to set a nice steady pace on the club runs, charity events etc in this coming year and see if i could up the mileage from last year!


Man or Moose!
Unless your club runs are a series of all out efforts with short recovery periods between them, then 50:50 sessions of this duration are not what you ought to be doing really. A club run (i.e. Sunday club run, not a training ride) by my definition will be completed at a fairly steady pace and mostly aerobically, what you are training in is a fairly anaerobic region.

To ride "better" on long rides, you want to be riding for longer durations in your aerobic zone and to help with going a bit faster, as you might not want to sit on the turbo or rollers riding for lots of hours, you might like to try some tempo (up 90% FTP/lactate threshold/corresponding HR figure - around 85% max HR generally) rides of up to about 2 hours or some sweet spot training, (sub-threshold, i.e. about 95% of your FTP/lactate limit/corresponding HR figure - high 80's% closing in on 90% max HR) intervals of 20-30 mins or so with a 10 min rest in between.

Don't under estimate the effort required to ride tempo for 2 hours, it is hard graft, might not seem hard at 1st but as the clock ticks, it will get progressively more uncomfortable, so don't over do it at the start, get your HR up to about 85% max and then sit there for 2 hours.

Both the tempo and sub-threshold zones are very good bang for your buck in terms of all round performance and will help to increase FTP.
2 hours of tempo on rollers. Shudder! lol. Better get some kick ass music ready.

Yeh mix it up too. If, like Robert says, you do just the one type of training you are limiting yourself.

Be sure to have fun too. I am beginning to hate indoor workouts. I MUST get outside for a decent ride. Going nuts. :wacko:

Snow has thawed though so won't be long now.........


Well-Known Member
Really going to have to get the laptop out for a 2 hour session!! Thanks for the input tho guys, always good to hear what other recommend, everyday's a school day!!


Man or Moose!
2 hours of tempo on rollers. Shudder! lol. Better get some kick ass music ready.

Yeh mix it up too. If, like Robert says, you do just the one type of training you are limiting yourself.

Be sure to have fun too. I am beginning to hate indoor workouts. I MUST get outside for a decent ride. Going nuts. :wacko:

Snow has thawed though so won't be long now.........

Done as much on the turbo last 2 Sundays, it is a real challenge, worse than a VO2 Max or Threshold session IMO. It sneaks up on you, 1st 90 mins, no problem, then smash!


Well-Known Member
Nice steady 80 minutes last night at 80-80% of max HR, started to run out of time as i had to go away so had to cut it short but went pretty well all the same, i can see that 2 hours is going to be quite a push tho!!


Man or Moose!
Well it will be a push yes, basically what you are going for on these tempo rides is the sort of effort you would be going at when on the front of a brisk club run. You can still chat, sort of, but in broken sentences rather than very easily.
Well it will be a push yes, basically what you are going for on these tempo rides is the sort of effort you would be going at when on the front of a brisk club run. You can still chat, sort of, but in broken sentences rather than very easily.
and it never seems to hurt as much when you are out on the roads. There is little to hide the discomfort and pain when on turbo/rollers.
Anything more than 90 minutes on the turbo and i start to lose the feeling in certain areas. Mostly my soul. :sad:


Well-Known Member
and it never seems to hurt as much when you are out on the roads. There is little to hide the discomfort and pain when on turbo/rollers.
Anything more than 90 minutes on the turbo and i start to lose the feeling in certain areas. Mostly my soul. :sad:

Yeah totally agree, it would be easier if as you say you didn't start to go numb!!! Must lite up the laptop tomorrow evening, geta good film going and see if i can push near the 2 hours!!! More water bottles also required i think!!!
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