Rollers question

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Active Member
Although I can happily cycle for four hours at 17mph on the road (with breaks) the rollers are killing me.
One hour the lactic is murder. Never get that on the road. Is it just because its non stop pedalling? Heart rate is same as road speeds but legs are killing me. In fact everything seems worse! Back, arms, backside....pain all the way!

Also, anyone done a DIY e-motion conversion? Looks to make them a lot more useable.
There perfectly usable you just need to build yourself upto it. There's not the same air cooling, interest, changeable position (unless you are really talented) factors compared to the road though which makes it harder.

I've been on mine for just over an hour straight, Steve Lampier (a local pro) was on his for over 2 hours :ohmy:
Don't forget you're using your back and arms to avoid a comedy you've been framed moment the whole time you're on the rollers. I swear by mine. Or at them. Stick with it. I still can't do any of the flash tricks that some folk can do but it's never boring.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Absolutely because of non-stop, same position pedalling. Minimal weight shift, no standing, coasting, stopping at junctions etc. Before I bought a set many people told me they are dull. On resistance level 2 for an hour they are anything but dull !

I haven't done and e-motion conversion yet but I'm looking into it. Can't be that difficult....


Active Member
Yes I think it looks like the e-motion conversion allows a bit more movement so that might help in the comfort stakes. hour on rollers is no way dull!


Well-Known Member
Totally agree, I normally do about an hour, i move from the hoods to the bars then the drops constantly to try and change position but it's still pretty hard going. Normally just stop twice for a few seconds take a drink. I normally stay round the highest couple of gears and push 24/25 mph, is this the normal or would it be an idea to mix it up with lower gears too. My rollers are not the resistance type.


Active Member
24 mph! I manage 17.. Occasionally hit thirty but only for a minute. Reckon an hour is equivalent to two on the road.
With no wind resistance whatsoever you should be able to go slightly faster than the road but tbh i wouldn't pay too much attention to the speed. The lactate is a good thing. It's the only way to improve this process. Keep at it.
More of a turbo guy myself and i do find switching hand and body position negates any aches and pains afterward.
Rollers are great but i like to watch a dvd or similar whilst destroying my very being. :sweat:
Totally agree, I normally do about an hour, i move from the hoods to the bars then the drops constantly to try and change position but it's still pretty hard going. Normally just stop twice for a few seconds take a drink. I normally stay round the highest couple of gears and push 24/25 mph, is this the normal or would it be an idea to mix it up with lower gears too. My rollers are not the resistance type.
You won't be building massive power but rollers are invaluable for good form and spinning. I bet since you have been doing it your normal cadence has risen? I have been doing cadence sessions of 120-130rpm and when i do my normal 80-90rpm it seems slow in comparison. The turbo also allows you to do very low cadence/strength sessions but you can also do that on rollers that have resistance. I personally like to just be able to switch off with the turbo. I dare not watch a dvd on my laptop whilst on rollers. THE FEAR!
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Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
I've been one of the lucky ones that has never had roller fear. Don't get me wrong though, I can't sit upright eating a bowl of cereal like some clips I've seen !
I have never watched anything whilst having a session, doesn't it switch your concentration to the film rather than your training ?
I've been one of the lucky ones that has never had roller fear. Don't get me wrong though, I can't sit upright eating a bowl of cereal like some clips I've seen !
I have never watched anything whilst having a session, doesn't it switch your concentration to the film rather than your training ?
That's kind of the point. I use training software called Trainerroad and it sets up really punishing 6 week programmes for you. I am doing some just now that are destroying my inner core!!! :laugh:

When you are hitting 350watts for the 4th time, for ten minutes at a time, you need some sort of distraction or you will simply count the seconds to your impending death.

Interestingly enough the workout before my last one this very thing happened. I bonked on the 40 minute mark. Just ran out of steam. Some days are just better than others and when i train on the turbo it tends to be bloody painful. :heat:

I just keep thinking of how much faster i will be come summer. ^_^


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Being out on the road with the good bike seems eons away. Bloody snow. :sad:

Doesnt it just, I hope "the big thaw" does happen tomorrow as has been forecast. I did try leave leave the house on the bike last week, only once mind, it was just awful. I was kind of kidding myself it would be fine when I knew it wouldn't. On a plus note, Spring is just around the corner which we all know is the new summer ! !
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