As Cubist explains, it's all to do with the speed of the fork extension after compression. You can easily see the effect that the adjustment has by turning the dial all the way to the tortoies and then compress the forks, just stand at the side of the bike and force your weight on the bars, then quickly lift the front wheel off the ground, the forks will (should) slowly extend, then try the same thing but with the dial turned all the way to the hare, the forks will now extend very quickly, the idea is that you have the forks extending as quickly as possible after compresssion, but with out lauching bike and rider into the air like a pogo stick, have a play, you'll soon get to understand how it works. To get the best setting the ideal thing is to find a rough/rocky/jumpy section of down hill and ride it with different settings and see what suits you best. Whatever you do, have fun, getting rid of the Suntour forks is probably the best upgrade your bike could have.