I've heard anecdotal stories like this before, I have also read more scientific litreture that suggests that 50 is within the 'normal' range
I find it difficult to belive. The UCI must have used pretty firm evidence based science on which to base the 50% in the first instance. If it were as 'normal' as some suggest and could be the result of dehydration then why did we not see Pantanis lawyers kick into action after his exclusion from the giro based on a just over 50% reading. That UCI action could have cost pantani millions.
If this is the case then should we note see Hayles and BC (and/or anyone else) caught out challenging the UCI over their use of 50%? BC are signed up to the UCI, have they made their feelings known the 50% is too low? have any other federations?
It seems to me that 50% seems to be about right and that to get to that level 97/98 from 100 would need to manipulate their blood to reach it. There are anomolies but then should BC/hayles not be aware of that seeing as he a full time athlete and that he can be tested at any time in and out of comptetition. If I were him or his manager I would have pre-empted this. Have the fight before an 'anomolous' reading rather than after, have the fight for others in your charge and who may be in your charge in the future. How much damge to
halfords for example?
If there is no sceince to base 50% on, someone should have the fight. The fact that there has been no fight, to me, suggests its the correct figure?