Roadside litter

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Well-Known Member
Apologies if this has already been discussed ad infinitum on this forum but I'm new so I wondered what people thought about litter...

I'm lucky enough to live in a very nice part of south east England and do most of my cycling around quiet and relatively remote country lanes. I'm finding an increasing amount of litter in these lanes - plastic drinks bottles, crisp packets, beer and soft drinks cans, plastic sandwich cartons, burger cartons, plastic bags of all shapes and sizes...

Many appear to have been hurled from moving vehicles - indeed, I've seen people do it. Some have obviously been dumped by walkers. Others have been left behind by people having picnics - I find it particularly baffling that people would take the trouble to make a picnic and drive to a beauty spot and then leave behind all their crap. I'm also puzzled by the empty water bottles. There's something curiously incongruous in being sufficiently health-conscious to buy a bottle of Evian instead of Tartrazinozade, but in being sufficiently ignorant to chuck said bottle over a hedge once it's empty.

Often I stop to pick this stuff up. Indeed, I've started taking with me empty carrier bags for this express purpose. Sure, it spoils my ride but nobody else seems to bother and it annoys me. In fact, it's almost become obsessive-compulsive and I now find it difficult to ignore litter and ride past it.

So, do others here have similar experiences? What are the worst areas of the country for litter? What, if anything, can we do about it?

I am Spartacus

Über Member
N Staffs
Superglue car windows shut....


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I know exactly what you mean. I ride some beautiful back roads around the Vale of Glamorgan and am saddened by the rubbish left in the hedgerows.

Dont let it spoil your ride. One man on a bike cant clean up the county.I will pick up bits of rubbish if I stop for a rest or whatever but wont stop when riding along.
When I was cycling the other day, a bus passed me with a sign saying to report people who dropped litter from a car.

Really wanted to take the details down but it whizzed past me to fast.

Will keep an eye out for it


Just got back from a 35 mile Leeds-Liverpool canal ride.

Dog crap in plastic bags.Thrown down onto the path or grass verges.

Why ?. Take it home throw it on your own lawn.


Rare Migrant
VictorL said:
When I was cycling the other day, a bus passed me with a sign saying to report people who dropped litter from a car.

Really wanted to take the details down but it whizzed past me to fast.

Will keep an eye out for it

If it's the same campaign I've seen on buses, it'll direct you to


Well-Known Member
Litter is real pet hate of mine. I think you notice it much more when out on the bike. Dropped by lazy b*******, mostly from cars, but Ive follwed people on sportives who sling their litter away (there's a can of worms opened!)

I help organise a kids football session in our park on Saturday morns, and we have taken to bringing a bin bag with us, and we fill it with all the empty pop and booze bottles accumulated on the pitch over the week, usually end up with a bag full.


Well-Known Member
Postman - exactly. Why bother to bag up the dog crap unless you plan to dispose properly of the bag?

Will1985 - I spent ages (well, a good five minutes) trying to think up a forum nickname that demonstrated my commitment to cycling but also revealed me to be a literate, switched-on, well-rounded, fairly cool sort of a character. When I came up with the name I'm currently using - inspired by Orwell's Animal Farm - I felt pretty pleased with myself. Then, when I saw your posting, I Googled it, only to discover that it's the name of a bicycle shop in Stoke Newington. Grrr! Presumably that's where the jersey you saw came from.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
2wheelsgood said:
Postman - exactly. Why bother to bag up the dog crap unless you plan to dispose properly of the bag?

One of my pet hates. I know dog shite isn't ideal, but at least it's biodegradable if it's not in a bag.
As for folk who drop litter ... I'm pretty liberal as a rule, but I'd cheerfully pull the bloody lever for those who drop litter.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
2wheelsgood said:
Postman - exactly. Why bother to bag up the dog crap unless you plan to dispose properly of the bag?

Will1985 - I spent ages (well, a good five minutes) trying to think up a forum nickname that demonstrated my commitment to cycling but also revealed me to be a literate, switched-on, well-rounded, fairly cool sort of a character. When I came up with the name I'm currently using - inspired by Orwell's Animal Farm - I felt pretty pleased with myself. Then, when I saw your posting, I Googled it, only to discover that it's the name of a bicycle shop in Stoke Newington. Grrr! Presumably that's where the jersey you saw came from.

Aw well, at least you tried! If you report a car to the bus company you could call yourself Squealer:biggrin:
I could go on but these sort of pun-fests sometimes Snowball :laugh:

Pity it wasn't Will1984 though who thought he saw you!


Formerly the anorak
I'm interested to know what people think of "chucking" your fruit peelings when cycling. i have to admit that my banana peel, orange peel and apple cores all go in the nearest ditch, mainly because i don't want them in my pocket. is this a sin ????

but my bar wrappers and cardboard raisin boxes all come home with me :troll:

i've seen some strange litter at the side of the road, the packaging from an adult toy last week !!!!


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think small-scale biodegradable stuff is fine, though I did once see a whole roast chicken at the side of a country lane, which I thought was pushing it a little far.

But it's plastic and cans that are the worst.
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