Andrew Spencer
New Member
I'm new (hello), and I am a semi know-all roadie who is venturing into the world of off-roading.
I understand most things about road-bikes having built my own TT bike and converted it for generic (fast) road-riding so talk about groupsets and general tackle-tart conversations are of great interest to me.
Now then:
I want a mountain-bike. I want to spend no more than £450-500 (until I decide that I love it and will probably then be knowledgable enough to build my own).
Looking-around; I understand a hard-tail is good for downhilling (where it will spend most of it's life) and tearing-down hills and through forests and stuff.
What makes a good mountain-bike please? What should I be looking-for?
Anyway: Yeah. Please let me know what I need to know. Feel free to confuse the hell out me and point-out spelling mistakes and stuff.
Thanks in advance.
I'm new (hello), and I am a semi know-all roadie who is venturing into the world of off-roading.
I understand most things about road-bikes having built my own TT bike and converted it for generic (fast) road-riding so talk about groupsets and general tackle-tart conversations are of great interest to me.
Now then:
I want a mountain-bike. I want to spend no more than £450-500 (until I decide that I love it and will probably then be knowledgable enough to build my own).
Looking-around; I understand a hard-tail is good for downhilling (where it will spend most of it's life) and tearing-down hills and through forests and stuff.
What makes a good mountain-bike please? What should I be looking-for?
- Is 6061 alloy considered evil and best-avoided? (my first road-bike was made of this and it was god-awful)
- Who makes good front shocks and what do I need to understand about them?
- Who makes good mountain-bike groupsets? (I don't see Campagnolo anywhere in this world for example...)
- 29" wheels: Why is bigger considered better? Is it really required for someone not even approaching amateur level?
- Gears: 8, 9 or 10spd? What are the advantages / disadvantages of each?
- Chainsets: Triples appear to the standard here, but a 44T max seems tiny in comparison to what I'm used to. I appreciate you need the low-ratio for climbing, but what about downhill? Is a low-ratio & high-cadence better than high-ratio and low cadence?
- Carrera: Is there Stigma attached? Should I wear a paper-bag with a bullseye painted on it?
Anyway: Yeah. Please let me know what I need to know. Feel free to confuse the hell out me and point-out spelling mistakes and stuff.
Thanks in advance.