Time for a quick update... I did get the Pug, and over a week I rode about 150 miles, and hated almost all of them!

I just don't get the dropped bars thing. Its so uncomfortable on the drops, and the hoods just felt wrong. Fortunately a friend really liked the bike so I managed to sell it to him for a marginal loss. The replacement? Erm... A "cross bow". Nope, I'd never heard of them either, but its a flat bar road (ish) bike and its generally much nicer to ride. The saddle is horrid (brought back memories of an old TV ad commenting on the uncomfortable saddle on a "racer". Anyone remember what the advert was for? I'm thinking yellow pages, but could be very wrong!) Anyway, I'll be getting a new saddle, but other than that I'm pretty happy with it, and I've done around 200 miles so far, and nothings fallen off!