Active Member
Your regime doesn't sound that much fun to be honest, and I wouldn't be surprised if you end up getting fed up with it, due to the amount of time commitment involved.. Seems overly regimented and numbers-oriented rather than just getting out for a ride as and when the mood takes you and enjoying the experience. Unless you are racing competitively, things like average speed really aren't important. For general fitness all you need to do is ride at a moderate pace and build up the total hours and miles. Gradually you get a bit quicker and are able to ride further before tiring out, and hills do not slow you down quite so much. There's no need to make a big deal about the technicalities of it unless competing against the clock. The bottom line is anyone who does some regular physical activity will be fitter than someone who doesn't do any, which means even someone with a fairly casual attitude to cycling will become significantly fitter than the average sedentary citizen over time. The important thing is to approach activity in a way that it does not become a chore to be endured not enjoyed. For example there is no way on earth I'm going to force myself to get up at 5.30 on a freezing cold, dark, winter morning in order to ride a bike!. However, on a nice crisp but sunny winters day a ride can be highly enjoyable and therefore something I will do voluntarily without it becoming a drudge.
I know of several people who have adopted a similar approach to you; i.e. go in all guns blazing with a demanding and unrealistic exercise regime that leaves them with little other free time. Eventually they have come to resent doing the activity in a rigidly structured way, and have ended up throwing in the towel and stopping completely.
Its not for everyone mate but its the only chance i can get my workouts done, balancing work and family. _- it may seem very regimented but its a routine that I have carried out diligently since october and I feel really good. I have went out on those really dark and wet days and admit its not pleasant but when you are out on the road the weather can change so sometimes you just need to suck it up