I dont understand why we couldnt just benefit out of more public transport systems. Trains, planes, boats and bicycles came before cars. So why was there the need for cars?
If we induldged more money into making more railways and more efficient modes of transport other than cars, just think of how many lifes will be saved. People would be more inclined to walk places and therefore decrease the overall global weight problem (thinking of USA and us here), there would be more money available to members of the public and the government because car insurance, VED, MOT, repairs, etc wont have to be forked out by people. Plus the government would not have to pay claims and benefits to people who have been injured in a vehicle collision.
Yes, when there is eventually an incident involving a train or plane, the results would be far worse than a simple car collision, but more money could be included in the safety designs of the systems.
If automobiles hadnt been invented, our public transport systems would be a lot further into the future than we are now.