Road Bike/Hybrid advice for n00b

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Hi all, first post. Be gentle!

Just before New Year I drunkenly agreed to do the London-Brighton ride later this year :smile:

Its actually the sort of challenge that I need to get motivated as I'm keen to be a little more active. Having young kids, its difficult to find the time and energy to do much exercise. But they're 4 and 2 now so I should be able to get out more at the weekends, especially as the mrs has taken up running (a 200m run is my limit, but a 20km ride is no problem).

So, I was thinking of getting a cheap road bike and a friend recommended the Decathlon (B-twin) Sport 1 or 2. No frills, good value, entry level road bikes. I then heard about the Cycle to Work scheme. The tax free option obviously means I could get a better bike for the same £'s and it can be spread across the year rather than a big hit or a credit card outing. However, this would mean I'd feel obliged to actually ride to work as well which slightly moves the goalposts. If I'm whizzing around Richmond Park or other cycle friendly routes I'd be fine with a road bike but cycling 12 miles each way in London is a little different. I'm wary that a road bike may not be robust enough and would give me less peripherial vision as I'd be lower on the bike.

I don't like the look of the Decathlon hybrids and they don't participate in the Cycle Schemes anyway. Would I be better looking at something like a Specialized Sirrus Elite or Sport?

Any thoughts? Not too concerned about exact make and model, just want some input on Road Bikes v Hybrid.

Cheers in advance.


Well-Known Member
I'm wary that a road bike may not be robust enough and would give me less peripherial vision as I'd be lower on the bike.

A properly set up road bike ridden on roads is a solid machine. Don't let thinner tyres fool you.
As for peripheral vision, many many people commute daily on road bikes with no problem, it's not an issue.

You could go for the middle ground and get a flat barred road bike - the setup of a road bike with straight bars instead of drops.

My understanding of C2W since the changes is that it's more like a 0% loan than a money saver now. Though you still get to pay over 12 months, so not without value.
Hi 2pies and :welcome:

You may find that drop handlebars are more to your liking as thay offer a few more options as regards hand position. Then again you may prefer flats - so you ideally could do with trying out both sorts.

The hybrid usually has the bars a bit higher in relation to the seat so saving the back but at the expense of a less aerodynamic position- again you could do with a try out.

Road bikes/hybrids are both equally robust and offer more or less the same vision.

Hope this helps.


New Member
i was in a similar postion and posted on here about which bike to get

look at the thread i started for "best roadbike sub £350"

there were loads of suggestions for which bike to get

i have ordered a specialized allez 2010 model which i managed to find for £349

the other option i seriously considered was the evans own branded Pinacle 1.0 at £375

the only and best advice is to get to a bike shop and try some out

the difference i found between a flat bar and drop bar road bike to a hybrid was quite alot.

i tried out claude butler, Giant, lapierre, specialized and cannondale's

i found the feel of the specialized much nicer to all the others but it is a personal choice

get out to an evans shop or your local bike shop (LBS) and try some out! there are plenty of bargains out the to find and most bike shops will be up for a bit of haggling if you find something you like
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