Risks of cycling consistently overstated

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Rollin' along
Manchester way
Human nature the whinge about or publicise the bad and ignore the good. Brad Wiggins in uneventful training ride doesn't make the news 364 days this year, Brad Wiggins has minor bump outside petrol station 1 day does. Can you imaging how boring and uneventful we'd find 99% of helmet cammers videos if they posted every single one up?

it really p's me off & I try on twitter to highlight the good passes and incident free rides every now and again but that is often answered by one or two of the professional doom merchants, with a 'yes but what about at this.... ' I've grown bored of asking them if that is typical of their every ride now as they invariably claim it is and don't appreciate it being suggested they've either got an exceptionally low tolerance to what is an 'incident' or if they find themselves in dangerous situations day after day after day then it is them doing something consistently wrong rather than everybody else that has ever been on the roads being at fault.


Resolutely on topic
This article caught my eye.

Cycling is safer than driving, for young males.
There's a reason why car insurance is so expensive for youngsters, especially boys, and so cheap for cyclists. Insurance companies, by Darwinian selection, become quite good at assessing relative risk.

(I realise that there are other factors involved, but it is still indicative.)
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