Risk of muscle damage in teenagers?

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Legendary Member
Gti Junior shot up the east side of Malham Cove on Sunday, fast enough that he almost barfed up the chocolate cake I bought him in the cafe in Airton. On Monday he reported pain about a third of the way up the front of his thigh, which from past experience I took to be a small muscle strain. Gave him a massage in a warm environment and today he says it feels much better. He's staying off the bike until the weekend when we will do something less hilly.

But this has got me thinking: at 17 (tomorrow) he weighs about 3/4 my body weight and is a fast sprinter and climber. However his muscles are still under-developed and it will be some years yet before he goes from "racing petrol engine" to "slogging diesel engine" and develops more muscle bulk and greater stamina.

So how much is known about the tendency of teenagers to injure themselves under testosterone-fuelled effort or through sheer enthusiasm?

rugby bloke

From my experience of teenagers injuring themselves the issue is with ensuring that that they give the injury sufficient time to heal. They are not great at listening to their bodies and knowing when its time to rest. As they get late teens and they start to put on the muscle bulk then they will start to discover the delights of muscle strains. Anything more serious can hang around for much longer ... both my lads have ongoing shoulder weaknesses picked up from sporting injuries.


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
Get yourself some Emu oil , I got this recommended to me by a junior rugby team medic some time ago as a treatment for muscular injuries.
it would appear the claims re- emu oil are really snake oil..........
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Legendary Member
Stuff like that works in two ways: firstly the gentle oil-lubricated massage of the affected tissue releases endorphins and promotes healing while reducing pain. Secondly, as every doctor knows, 95% of illnesses or injuries will eventually clear themselves up and this is usually attributed to whatever cure the patient started taking a few days before.


Well-Known Member
As someone who has always had limited flexibility and tight muscles, which seems to run on the male side of the family. I would suggest unless youngsters are very flexible they would benefit greatly from prolonged regular stretching, even when injured. Problem is my son takes very little notice of me as I hardly lead by example!!!
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