Ripped tyre wall !

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Shaun Robinson

Active Member
Medway towns
Ok I have ripped the wall of my mavic yksion pro tyre my question is are they repairable or is it a throw away job ? Would not normally ask but I have done no more than 150 miles on the tyre virtually brand new ,here is rip:- only thing I could see being an issue is tyre is ribbed slightly on the inside, I used a bit of juice carton to get me home btw :smile:


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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I wouldn't use it.
Suffered the same a couple of months back, hit a pot hole, had to use a boot to get me home. Binned the tyre.
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Nr Cambridge
Fit a new replacement tyre. Not worth the risk continuing to ride on the damaged one. Discard but keep some of it for use as patching in case of a blow out.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
It happens. Lost two Conti GP 4 Seasons over the years, one was virtually new. Pothole or sharp rock can cause it. Jut one of those things. You can put a "tyre boot" under it as a get me home, but it's really time to renew.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
I cannot see any situation where I would want that repaired spare in the pic. Are you going to carry that with you? And if you are or are not, will you use a repaired tyre to replace an even worse damaged tyre, bearing in mind that your spare was one you decided not to risk using?


Well-Known Member
Brighton, UK

The thing is the webbing in the first picture appears to be intact, and there is no
picture of the inside of the tyre. Then you get a picture of the "repaired" tyre
still with no idea about how much the webbing was damaged.

If an inside patch is needed IMO its totally toast, especially for a high pressure 23mm
tyre. Thing is it doesn't look toasted from the first picture, just over repaired AFAICT.

rgds, sreten.
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