RIP thread for lesser known people

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Putrid Donut
RIP.……..I just don’t get it at all, even more so with people with whom I have no personal acquaintance.
When you’re dead, you’re dead. it’s part of the circle of life.
This isn't my take on things. The death of someone whose contribution I have appreciated often gives me a sense of loss. Rarely have I felt the need to contribute to an RIP thread on this forum, but it does happen.

The "similar threads" listed at the bottom of this page are for Melanie, John Savident, Damo Suzuki and Wayne Kramer, none of whom I have ever heard of. But surprisingly to me anyway, no-one seems to have started a thread for Stan Bowles, Mike Procter or Barry John. But I don't think I'd've wanted to insult any of those by putting them into a general purpose RIP thread.

So on balance, I think it ought to be a full RIP thread or nothing, and a note to myself not to be so reticent in future. There may be several others waiting for a thread to be started.


A explanation would have been better.

There was a perfectly good explanation. I think you are missing a justification. And again, I would say that about half the threads here. But that's not how a forum works. No need to justify - follow the rules and post away.


Charming but somewhat feckless
Lesser-known to me will be very different to lesser-known to others.

I’ve seen RIP threads here relating to people famous in their field of work, e.g. football or music, but I’ve never heard of because I dislike football and certain genres of music.

I think it’s better just to let folk post a thread for someone they knew or knew of, regardless of broader awareness of that person.

Chris S

Legendary Member
Very memorable. I was normally sat around my grandparents house on Sundays as we always used to visit and Bullseye was a definite feature. I still watch the repeats of it if I see it on, normally something like ChallengeTV or similar.

Is it a myth that a woman won a set of garden furniture and then said "But I live in a flat"?!

I don't know but I remember a few people winning speed boats even though they lived nowhere near the sea.


Well i am going to mention my mate Graham who passed away just over a week ago.One of us who escaped from RM when offered the chance.A life long member and supporter of the works social club,he put a a good word in for me when i wanted to start a works cycle team.Sadly another one who has gone young and not had a long retirement.His funeral is this month and i am cancelling my turn at The Pantry Food Bank to go to his funeral.


Lesser-known to me will be very different to lesser-known to others.

I’ve seen RIP threads here relating to people famous in their field of work, e.g. football or music, but I’ve never heard of because I dislike football and certain genres of music.

I think it’s better just to let folk post a thread for someone they knew or knew of, regardless of broader awareness of that person.


I've started a few RIP threads for people that I've liked, some have got plenty of comments, others haven't, that's just the way it goes.

I've also seen plenty of ones where I've thought, 'who?'

But rather than comment on those I'll just press the back button and carry on with my day, if somebody wants to mark the death of someone I have no particular affinity for then it's no detriment to my life so let them get on with it.

Edit: I'm not agreeing with you on the football bit as I do like that. ⚽😊


Very memorable. I was normally sat around my grandparents house on Sundays as we always used to visit and Bullseye was a definite feature. I still watch the repeats of it if I see it on, normally something like ChallengeTV or similar.

Is it a myth that a woman won a set of garden furniture and then said "But I live in a flat"?!

I loved Bullseye and also have fond memories of Tony commentating on darts.

RIP Tony.
I wonder if someone might start posting a load of separate RIP threads for very random people famous in niche areas just to be contrary? Like when another "whooo?" type of celebrity RIP thread is started I'm just not that bothered to do this cobtrary act myself.
Whenever a RIP thread comes up I mark it "Ignore" just as I am now going to do with this thread.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
no-one seems to have started a thread for Stan Bowles, Mike Procter or Barry John. But I don't think I'd've wanted to insult any of those by putting them into a general purpose RIP thread.
I mentioned it on 'The Football' thread the day after he died. and the day after @postman mentioned it, having not seen his post. :rolleyes: I didn't post it on/in The Cafe thinking not many follow football on here, so they probably wouldn't have heard of him. I didn't think starting a RIP Stan Bowles thread would've generated many replies or visits, so I Just posted on the football page.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I thought my opening post explained why. It might stop the many RIP threads for people few of us have heard off.
If people don’t want it it will just fall away.

I think your thread is a good idea, just as long as you know that posters will still start their own thread about someone's death. I've often thought about mentioning my friends and relatives deaths on CC, but thought who's bothered, they didn't know him/her. Now I can post such 'death notices', hoping that I don't have any deaths to post about, if you know what I mean. :okay:
Why shout?
There are a whole host of threads started here every week that I have no interest in. I'm pretty sure it's of no benefit to me to jump in demanding to know why the OP started it. It's also not particularly polite.

RIP.……..I just don’t get it at all, even more so with people with whom I have no personal acquaintance.
When you’re dead, you’re dead. it’s part of the circle of life.
You're not aware of anyone who has died that still holds some influence, some inspiration for you? No-one?
You don't read books written by people now dead? Or watch movies written, directed or acted by people now dead? You don't listen to any great songs sung by people now dead? You don't remember anyone you know who has died? Really?

Whenever a RIP thread comes up I mark it "Ignore" just as I am now going to do with this thread.
Popping into every thread you disapprove of to record your total disinterest must be very rewarding. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure quite why death/RIP threads seem to draw in so many people who fundamentally disagree with them. I don't think I'd last long around here if I dropped into the Zwift threads to be critical of the concept or regularly posted that the TdF was a farce on the appropriate thread.

Then there's the subject matter. It's death, folks. If ever there was a time for a bit of kindness that would be it.
Think discs are better than rim brakes? Knock your socks off. Think helmets and hi-viz should be the law? Go for it. Think Garmin is better than Wahoo? Write your epistle.
Whatever our differences, death comes to us all. Affects us all.
If ever there was a subject deserving of a modicum of respect, of kindness, of generosity of spirit this would be it, no?
I think your thread is a good idea, just as long as you know that posters will still start their own thread about someone's death. I've often thought about mentioning my friends and relatives deaths on CC, but thought who's bothered, they didn't know him/her. Now I can post such 'death notices', hoping that I don't have any deaths to post about, if you know what I mean. :okay:

Me too. Yes, people might start a dedicated thread about someone - in which case that confirms their relevance, and members can read both threads, or neither!

Also, "Obituaries" and "Deaths" sections are well-established in newspapers. That's a very similar thing - if you never read that section, you'll never know. Papers only run specific headlines for deaths they feel news-worthy.

As already said - no-one is forced to read this thread, much less comment on it. [and I find the owl noise "Whooooo?" replies really really distasteful :-( )


The Glue that binds us together.
Why shout?
There are a whole host of threads started here every week that I have no interest in. I'm pretty sure it's of no benefit to me to jump in demanding to know why the OP started it. It's also not particularly polite.
But it's okay for you to jump in if you don't like what's said, If the poster does not want replies don't post, simple.
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