RIP Graham Thorpe

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North Shields
Poor fella. It's incredibly brave of the family to speak up about his suffering.

The more people who have the strength to do so the better IMO, although I fully appreciate how challenging suicide is, and it's not possible for everyone.


Firm and Fruity
Hit by a train!
That’s absolutely awful for everyone involved.
If that is true about the train then I feel sorry for the driver. I once heard a statistic that something like 4 out of 5 drivers of trains that hit a person are never able to return to work on the trains again. It is a very traumatic thing to see. It is also something that is not nice to clean up afterwards. Worse for those left behind in a way that is more so than other methods of suicide. I feel for the family, the driver and all those who were there at the place it happened who saw it. There are going to be people in a state of trauma over this.
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