Legendary Member
- Location
- Dumfries and Galloway
Small claim to haulage fame - my sister's ex was Stan Robinsons nephew.
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Ah, I didn't realise that it was 'a thing' - I thought that they had made it up!
Ah, I didn't realise that it was 'a thing' - I thought that they had made it up!
It doesn't sound in the least bit easy!I remember one of the "difficult" kids, at the last school I taught at, was mad on Eddie Stobart
all I had to do to keep him on task and happy was to make the work he was doing based in some way on Eddie Stobart
(which is not as easy as it sounds sometimes - there are limits!!!)
Small claim to fame - my sister's ex was Stan Robinsons nephew.
Very much a thing in the 80's. And I'll be honest, even though I was an adult by then, I did used to look out for and count both.
Personally, I was more of a Norbert Dentressangle type of guy.
We used to look out for Foden trucks
Personally, I was more of a Norbert Dentressangle type of guy.
Is that an anagram?
I always thought Stobart was a bit too "Yorkie Bar" whereas Dentressangle sounded like some kind of exotic sorcerer.
Ah, I didn't realise that it was 'a thing' - I thought that they had made it up!