RIP big Jack Charlton.

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Leg End Member


My sis wrote me: "...he made a habit of going into pubs and announcing all the drinks are on me which only added to his legendary status. But, he always paid for the round by cheque, knowing full well that the landlord would sooner put the cheque in a frame than in the bank so he was at no risk for actually having funds taken from his account. And now, as you travel around Ireland, you'll see loads of cheques behind the pub counters sporting his signature!!!!"

Canny lad! RIP big man.


North Yorkshire
He was also a very good shot. Guy at the end of our road runs a shoot and Jack came over a few times. Reckoned to be a really nice guy.
Many moons ago he used to shoot on the estate I worked on: I loaded for him a few times (and was a Sheff Wed fan to boot), which was something of a privilege Jack was a very generous, funny and warm-hearted fellow. And a very good shot.
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