Right or wrong!

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I've quite often ridden my bike a bit pissed, in fact it's my 'pissed' transport of choice. Don't see the harm in it meself and it's the only time there's no pain, you just kinda glide home.

(awaits incoming now)


Über Member
What worries me more is that the boy is an apprentice mechanic but rides a bike with wobbly handlebars - and leaves it to Mum and Dad to make sure his bike is ok!

Glad he won't be going near my car!


New Member
Chuffy said:
"When I explained there was a problem with the handlebars they did apologise and left me to go on my way."

The bullying, power-crazed bastards.
After he was forced to provide a breath test

Which as far as I know is only aplicable in motoring offences

He had no obligation to do so, and what if he had tested positive? fair enough he may be under age but he also has the right to not be forced to incriminate himself
Zoiders said:
After he was forced to provide a breath test
Forced? Are we looking at the same article?

Which as far as I know is only aplicable in motoring offences
Hmmm, so they thought he was riding pissed and used the breathalyser to test whether or not he was. So what?

He had no obligation to do so, and what if he had tested positive? fair enough he may be under age but he also has the right to not be forced to incriminate himself
What is your point? The fuzz stopped him because it looked as if he was riding pissed. They breathalysed him. He was negative, explained why his bike handling was awry and they apologised before letting him go. I really don't see what your problem is with any of the above.


New Member
They breathalised him

Which he legally had a right to refuse with out fear of prosecution for refusing to provide as would happen if he were a motorist, they did not make him aware of his rights

I am not a fan of warm and fuzzy liberal policing, but on the other hand if they make mistakes with something this petty, they will let a real wrong un go free when they screw up a real case

Its the thin end of the wedge that leads to bad policing
Zoiders said:
They breathalised him

Which he legally had a right to refuse with out fear of prosecution for refusing to provide as would happen if he were a motorist, they did not make him aware of his rights
Like I said in response to your first post (you know, the one where you called the officers 'dickheads') I assume you were there and saw all of this?

I am not a fan of warm and fuzzy liberal policing, but on the other hand if they make mistakes with something this petty, they will let a real wrong un go free when they screw up a real case

Its the thin end of the wedge that leads to bad policing
Dear god, they stopped someone who they believed might have been committing an offence and they let him go when they established that he wasn't. If you're going off on one over something so petty, where does that leave you when something really bad happens?


New Member
Yes chuffy

Dear God its that bad

They had no legal right to breathalize him. it was wrong. I was on the receiving end of the same kind of nonsense as a kid, it wasnt anoying the first few times, but when it got to the stage when I was stopped by coppers when I was out running in my running kit, then yes it gets a bit wearing. I went through about two years of it before they left me alone.

By going to the papers his parents have ensured he will not be targeted again in future by numpties looking for easy yet pointless arrests
Zoiders said:
By going to the papers his parents have ensured he will not be targeted again in future by numpties looking for easy yet pointless arrests
They didn't arrest him. God forbid that the cops might actually dare to do their job...:smile:
I've been stopped a few times too. I used to have a habit of going on long walks, very late at night. No surprise I got pulled over and asked what I was doing. No big deal, just the police doing their job. I didn't go building a great big paranoid house of cards over it.


New Member

Shut your filthy insinuating mouth

I dont do paranoid, its not my bag, dont try painting me as a loon as a cheap way of winning an argument

You are and shall remain, wrong.
laurence said:
he's not much of a mechanic if he keeps having trouble with the handlebars.

they should have done him for riding on the footpath and having an unsafe bike.
If the fuzz were the officious tits that Zoiders assumes that they were then I'm surprised they didn't.
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