Right, I'm off...

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Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
My last overnight was last April - ish. Miserable at a Premier Inn. I booked it because the obligatory attached Wheatsheaf-type pub does a pretty good steak pie but when I arrived it was shut due to staff shortages. Went to a nearby Indian for a curry but got scared at the complete disregard for distancing and took my meal as a takeaway instead.

Unlike you, I had no nice spork so had to eat a lukewarm curry with a plastic teaspoon :laugh:


Hello decadence
I’m not going, which is somewhat disappointing in more ways than one.

About 1800 my Doctor unexpectedly called. He’d just recieved a chest X-ray that was taken in November which showed an unexplained ‘nodule’ on my left lung requiring further investigation :-/.
When taken I was told it was fine, quite why or how it’s just got to my GP neither of us know. Something of a shocker.
As a result, I can’t risk catching anything while waiting for a CT scan. They’ve called-me in for bloods in the morning.
Am a bit discombobulated, one minute chipper and looking forward to a change of scene, now grounded.
Hoping it’s an abberation and not big C.
Here’s a big hug from me and the Prof. Hope everything turns out ok. Let us know if there’s anything we can do.

Send our love to @Hill Wimp


I’m not going, which is somewhat disappointing in more ways than one.

About 1800 my Doctor unexpectedly called. He’d just recieved a chest X-ray that was taken in November which showed an unexplained ‘nodule’ on my left lung requiring further investigation :-/.
When taken I was told it was fine, quite why or how it’s just got to my GP neither of us know. Something of a shocker.
As a result, I can’t risk catching anything while waiting for a CT scan. They’ve called-me in for bloods in the morning.
Am a bit discombobulated, one minute chipper and looking forward to a change of scene, now grounded.
Hoping it’s an abberation and not big C.
They say only the good die young, so you'll be right mate.


True story...

When you say:

"When taken I was told it was fine, quite why or how it’s just got to my GP neither of us know"

...brings to mind the time I visited my doctor about a cough that seemed to be making itself rather too much at home for my liking. She did her usual bit of cursory prodding and then as usual came up with a solution that didn't actually involve her in any work, which this time involved saying: "maybe this would be a good time to go back and have that shadow on your lung checked out."

When I had stopped gaping, picked my jaw back up off the floor, I managed, as best I can recall, "what shadow on my lung?"

It turned out that when she sent me for a chest x-ray the previous winter because of a cough, the x-ray that came back featured a clear shadow on the lung. Which she'd not thought worth bringing to my attention.

I know, right?

Anyway, long story short, it turned out in my case to be indeed a cancer. Malignant. Further investigation revealed another nodule. Also malignant.

I think it was about this time that I clearly remember coming back from one of these meetings with the consultants and saying to my wife you know just once just once it would be nice to have one of these meetings that didn't start with them putting on their sad face and starting, well I'm afraid it hasn't been quite as we'd hoped...

Anyway, even though it was quite advanced (thanks, doc), there was good news. Both nuggets were tight, and nobbly. Metastasis is the real end game, and there was no sign of it. both nuggets seemed to have got to their size and then stopped. They could have been there for years.

My half-arsed theory: I got cancer because I used to smoke heavily. I gave up smoking and I took up cycling. Now, as I later read, if there's one thing cancer hates, it's oxygen. Add that to a body generally returning to really bouncing health after a period of sedentary living, and I think the cancer got hit by this lifestyle turnaround, basically said what the hell, and got stopped in its tracks by all the oxygen and broccoli.

Anyway, without wishing to hex anything, that was about seven or eight years ago now (five years with no backsliding and they consider you 'cured'), and I'm fit as the proverbial. As I said on another thread, before having my hip replaced last week (another long story - I'll spare you ^_^) I was told that my blood pressure was perfect, my BMI on the good end of the 'ideal' zone, and my veins excellent.

So, bottom line: it probably isn't. Simple statistics. And even if it is, it's not the end of the world. Being fit - by which I mean healthy in mind & body - is, in my half-arsed belief, absolutely crucial. So, you should be alright.

All the best FF.

Look on the bright side, you didn't have to go oop north. Every cloud... :okay:


I’m not going, which is somewhat disappointing in more ways than one.

About 1800 my Doctor unexpectedly called. He’d just recieved a chest X-ray that was taken in November which showed an unexplained ‘nodule’ on my left lung requiring further investigation :-/.
When taken I was told it was fine, quite why or how it’s just got to my GP neither of us know. Something of a shocker.
As a result, I can’t risk catching anything while waiting for a CT scan. They’ve called-me in for bloods in the morning.
Am a bit discombobulated, one minute chipper and looking forward to a change of scene, now grounded.
Hoping it’s an abberation and not big C.
sorry to hear that. Hope all goes well with the Doc.
Look after yourself, Fabs. The north can always wait.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
They say only the good die young, so you'll be right mate.


True story...

When you say:

"When taken I was told it was fine, quite why or how it’s just got to my GP neither of us know"

...brings to mind the time I visited my doctor about a cough that seemed to be making itself rather too much at home for my liking. She did her usual bit of cursory prodding and then as usual came up with a solution that didn't actually involve her in any work, which this time involved saying: "maybe this would be a good time to go back and have that shadow on your lung checked out."

When I had stopped gaping, picked my jaw back up off the floor, I managed, as best I can recall, "what shadow on my lung?"

It turned out that when she sent me for a chest x-ray the previous winter because of a cough, the x-ray that came back featured a clear shadow on the lung. Which she'd not thought worth bringing to my attention.

I know, right?

Anyway, long story short, it turned out in my case to be indeed a cancer. Malignant. Further investigation revealed another nodule. Also malignant.

I think it was about this time that I clearly remember coming back from one of these meetings with the consultants and saying to my wife you know just once just once it would be nice to have one of these meetings that didn't start with them putting on their sad face and starting, well I'm afraid it hasn't been quite as we'd hoped...

Anyway, even though it was quite advanced (thanks, doc), there was good news. Both nuggets were tight, and nobbly. Metastasis is the real end game, and there was no sign of it. both nuggets seemed to have got to their size and then stopped. They could have been there for years.

My half-arsed theory: I got cancer because I used to smoke heavily. I gave up smoking and I took up cycling. Now, as I later read, if there's one thing cancer hates, it's oxygen. Add that to a body generally returning to really bouncing health after a period of sedentary living, and I think the cancer got hit by this lifestyle turnaround, basically said what the hell, and got stopped in its tracks by all the oxygen and broccoli.

Anyway, without wishing to hex anything, that was about seven or eight years ago now (five years with no backsliding and they consider you 'cured'), and I'm fit as the proverbial. As I said on another thread, before having my hip replaced last week (another long story - I'll spare you ^_^) I was told that my blood pressure was perfect, my BMI on the good end of the 'ideal' zone, and my veins excellent.

So, bottom line: it probably isn't. Simple statistics. And even if it is, it's not the end of the world. Being fit - by which I mean healthy in mind & body - is, in my half-arsed belief, absolutely crucial. So, you should be alright.

All the best FF.

Look on the bright side, you didn't have to go oop north. Every cloud... :okay:
Thanks swee'pea99, It's was a shock call out-of-the-blue because I don't have symptoms of anything. Now I'm checking every breath. I appreciate there are a lot of outcomes but one tends to think the worst on receiving such news, I'd rather hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
I need to up my exercise for sure....
Hopefully I'll have the CT scan by the end of the week and then I'll be better armed

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I’m not going, which is somewhat disappointing in more ways than one.

About 1800 my Doctor unexpectedly called. He’d just recieved a chest X-ray that was taken in November which showed an unexplained ‘nodule’ on my left lung requiring further investigation :-/.
When taken I was told it was fine, quite why or how it’s just got to my GP neither of us know. Something of a shocker.
As a result, I can’t risk catching anything while waiting for a CT scan. They’ve called-me in for bloods in the morning.
Am a bit discombobulated, one minute chipper and looking forward to a change of scene, now grounded.
Hoping it’s an abberation and not big C.
I'm not surprised you're discombobulated. All the best for the scan and other tests. I hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about after all.


Did you have to satisfy Travelodge the stay was for business?

Just curious as I checked a Premier Inn at some point last year and it was shut.
I still have to stay away about once a month, last week I booked a night in a Best Western in Dundee and the website came back saying that the hotel would ask for proof that my travel was essential, I've got a covering letter from work should I need it.

Anyway, I turn up at the hotel and it's straight in with no questions asked. 😊

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Saw this and thought of @Fab Foodie

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