Riding on the road

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There are some simple things that don't always make 'sense' to non-cyclists, that can make a huge difference. For instance don't ride too close to the pavement. It varies with conditions, but a metre out is about my minimum.

Another useful point is to remember to look behind. Finally it's hard to stress enough just how important eye contact is. If you can make eye contact a driver recognises a fellow human being. If you don't your just a bike in his/ her way.


Active Member
I used to solely cycle on the pavement bar the odd cycle lane. Now, I'm with jazloc - would not dream of cycling on the pavement (except, perhaps, for the narrow fast stretches of road and where I know no pedestrians hardly ever walk). It is simply, as others have said, too dangerous. Not to mention most times the condition of the road will be far better for you and your bike, than the bumpy, unmaintained, cracked pavement. The amount of pedestrians oblivious to cyclists is astounding - yet the amount of drivers who do not notice a cyclist on the road is exactly zero. (Okay, they may danger you - but you are seen by them - car drivers can hardly have their back facing you when they are behind and ahead of you).

I suppose also, the likelihood is that on the pavement / shared path, you are more likely to pass pedestrians, whereas on the road car drivers are more likely to pass you. In that sense alone, you are perhaps safer on the road as others are looking out for you rather than you looking out for others as it were.

Obviously there are exceptions to the 'rule' but generally I have found road cycling is the better option. I believe everyone starts out a little anxious, but no-one got anywhere without ever taking that first step.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Our shared-use paths round here are about as shared use as the Duchess of Cambridge.

Gangs of pushchairs, little dogs on long leads, kids on scooters etc.

Far safer on the road provided you ride sensibly.
Never ridden on pavements, just doesn't seem right somehow. There are some chicanes on one of the roads round here with through cycle sections, going down the hill they seem quite narrow, when going up they are full of broken glass ect, so I dont use them either way, and shared cycle/pedestrian paths just seem more trouble than they are worth to cycle on.
My advise make sure your far enough from the gutter so the cars will notice you, because they have to cross the white line to overtake you, which means they have to be aware of oncoming traffic, so it makes them think, if they think they can squeeze by without crossing that white line they are more likely to come closer to you when they overtake.
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