Riding in rain - After care

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A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
I clean my bike reguarly, sometimes daily depending where i've ridden, but at the moment it seems to be monsoon season here, I must admit to being a bit naughty a couple of times in the past week, on returning soaking wet with my bubbas, i've just hung our bikes on the wall racks & dashed indoors, my main concern getting them out of their wet clothes & warming them up.
Noticed yesterday a couple of little rust spots on the chain & cog, they have cleaned off easily & i've relubbed the chain, but made me think that if this happens reguarly it wouldn't be good.
Would giving our chains a quick spray with something like this..TF2 ..when I hung them up be a good idea?
Any tips as to what everyone else does would be great - Cheers x


New Member
Yes, I just spray with TF2 once in a while and wipe the excess off with a rag. In dry weather I'll do that about once every month. In wet weather, once every couple of weeks (sometimes .. if I remember .. :rolleyes: ).

Once in a blue moon I might take the chain off and give it a proper clean - I've only ever done that twice in my entire life though.

One thing that does help a bit is having a nickel-plated chain. They're a little more expensive than an ordinary steel chain, but it does help keep rust at bay. I certainly noticed the difference when I replaced a nickel-plated one with an ordinary steel one - all that really meant though was I have to spray with TF2 a little more often now.


Well-Known Member
Got soaked riding into work this morning so I've given it a good wipe down and a clean.
Things are quiet here first thing on a saturday morning, All the students are still tucked up in bed :biggrin:


Started young, and still going.
The little rust spots are only surface rust caused by the water/rain drying on the chain. Spraying TF2 onto the chain and then a wipe with a rag will get rid of that. Then lube the chain properly.
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